I could not breathe!
You thought I was sad LAST week? My music and my computer are what keep me ALIVE! (I have recently begun to refer to my laptop as my soul mate--my best friend in the world!)
Seriously, I was having heart palpitations and was shaking and I was SO mad at myself. I made sure my iPod was in sight and far from the contamination happening to its heart. And my heart.
I could not believe it! All at once, my life was flashing before my eyes...only it was in my ears. Tons of songs from CDs that are long gone (READ: left in my other life) and thousands of dollars of purchased songs and movies and all those Gray's Anatomy episodes! How could I have let this happen?
I tried a few other things desperately attempting to restore my music. No such luck. So, I made the call. Well, I texted Allison. I told her I was hyperventilating and did she know what I might be able to do to restore my iLibrary! She texted back a few suggestions and I tried them all. To no avail.
I took a long last breath, surrendered, put everything down and walked away from the computer. I figured I would take a shower, pack it all up and immediately head over to the Apple store.
But as I walked down the hall to my room, I had this very strange feeling. I thought, "It's ok Julie Hibbard. So you have lost all your music...you have lived through much worse. It's not the end of the world...life will go on." A little clarifying perspective is a beautiful thing.
I looked in the mirror and laughed. It was true. In the grand scheme of life...well, losing your music isn't even part of the scheme. I got in the shower and prayed that I would find a way to restore those songs...I still had hope. I was also kinda excited about the thought of starting all over. A new library. From scratch. New songs, better playlists, a whole new world. I could do it. No big deal. Time for Plan B. I was actually really proud of myself for no longer being upset or mad. No more heart palpitations. Not worth it.
When I got out of the shower, there was a text message from Allison. She wrote: "Let me know how it's going and if you need to come over and import CDs all night!"
I realized that Allison already had the right perspective. She knew life would go on and had "Plan B" ready for me...re-importing all HER CDs would be a great start on a new library.
I got dressed and had some breakfast while I did a little thinking. And I went back to the computer with a new idea--Plan C. Rather than opening iTunes directly, I opened the iLibrary through my external hard drive. (I know...I'm amazing.)
And, sure enough, everything was there. All 2800 plus songs and movies and shows. I checked and re-checked and, sure enough...it was all there.
And herein lies yet another analogy for life. It was restored. Everything. It took a little prayer and a lot of hope. It took a little patience and a Plan A and B and C! It took letting go and realizing that I might have to start all over with a whole new set of songs.
It took time and a clarifying perspective.
And it was totally worth it. Cause the music is amazing.
Neat title!
What a diffence a few minutes makes...I commented on your Happy Blog first a few minutes ago because I'd been thinking hard for a song you could add to the Happy List...
then after reading this blog I was feeling sad reading thru it, but it had such a Happy ending...
I was even Happier that now you could still add my recommendation to your Happy tunes...
ain't life wonderful and so are you...
My heart just stopped for you...I almost called you before I got to the end to tell you THERE IS A HOPE...I know how to pull everything off you ipod back into your itunes...but I'm glad I don't have to do that for you. I know what it's like to lose all your music and pictures...and I was amazed that it can make you physically ill. YAH...for your self control and brilliant mind!
Dontchya hate it????
One day I turned on my computer and all my photos were blank white squares.....
I freaked, ALL the pix I have of Elijah are on there and EVERY video. Made me feel quite unready for any disaster... however one of the homeless genius hippies of Pahoa knew what to do.
they were filed with the videos, WHY?
Needless to say I backed it all up since!
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