is a BRAND NEW (and FREE!) on-demand programming site. They have every show and every movie you can imagine available immediately for your viewing pleasure! There's Nanny & the Professor and the Odd Couple. Leave to Beaver and The Partridge Family, Family Guy, Family Ties and All in the Family! get it.

The folks of
Real Simple have developed the PERFECT magazine. A little bit of House Beautiful, a little Consumer's Digest, a dash of
Bon Appetit and a WHOLE lot of Organizational Behavior--well, a lot of organizing ideas-- which is SO up my alley! I think you'd like it too! (it's not just for girls...)

And..."Enchanted" came out on DVD today and is already one of my most favorite movies! It's so well done, incredibly original, and absolutely hilarious! I just watched it again and I must say, on top of everything else, it is
definitely not bad on the eyes. Highly recommend it!
(Guys will like it too...they just won't admit it.)
You are so informative! Thank you.
I already went and bought "Enchanted" on your recommendation. I haven't gotten the chance to watch it yet....hopefully this weekend! And I'll definitely check out "Hulu" ......(Courtship of Eddy's father)!!!
Thanks for the Hulu info! I taped The Bachelor but my tape quit just before he was giving out the roses! I was so upset! But thanks to you...I watched it last night at 1am! But also thanks to you...I didn't get my proper beauty sleep and now I look like hell! :)
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