If you would ever like me to join you for dinner, just say two words: "CHEESECAKE FACTORY." (Actually, you know me better than that...I'll meet you anywhere for ANY meal!)
But I do freaking LOVE 'The Cheesecake'.
Allison and Sam and I met there for dinner last night...so delicious!

I order the same thing every time...'Pasta Da Vinci" --beautiful, isn't it? (The picture is especially for YOU, Dad!) It is FABULOUS! Oh MAN is it good! (You missed out Gina!)
Tonight Sam and I split it...which is perfect and helps leave room for dessert!

Of course the best part of going to dinner (besides taking 35 pictures so you can get a good one to post) is spending time with these amazingly gifted and inspiring people! Sam is leaving for London with 'Youth with a Mission' in just a few weeks and Allison is leaving for Kenya with Saddleback Church in just a few months! Those thoughts, as well as MANY others, made tonight's conversation super engaging, truly enlightening and incredibly enjoyable.
And for some reason, I laughed about 'Bob the Builder'
all the way home.
Pasta Da Vinci...YUM!
Dodgers vs. Red Sox...four more days...YEAH!
I heart Pasta Da Vinci. I totally would have went with you. I love Alli and Sam.
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