With Holly, Heather and Cathy at Saddleback today
...though sometimes it's kinda hard to go back,
I am always SO happy when I'm there...
A friend loves at ALL times. Proverbs 17:17
I LOVE these friends!

Yesterday I was thrilled to prepare my home for guests! I pulled out the couch bed and brought out my Great-Grandmother's beautiful quilt. My cousin, Robin and her son Joe came from Arizona to spend a little time with me. Joe brought his X-box and delighted in killing me most of the night. Robin, who is going through a divorce after 25 years of marriage, and I stayed up very late talking...and then got up very early and talked a lot more...
I think good friends and family can actually be better than therapy.

We met my mom for breakfast at Mimi's Cafe and Joe took about 30 pictures of us on this bench in the shot below. I'll spare you the other 29. Just know that it included multiple flowers being yanked from Mimi's garden and placed in my hair...

The HIGHLIGHT of the day was enjoying Allison singing at the noon Easter service at Saddleback! She was incredible, as usual...
Just one of the MANY reasons I'm OH so proud to be her mom!

On the way out I ran into Liz and Jan...two of the amazing women I worked with at Saddleback. It was SO good to see them and spend a little time catching up! Jan was one of the first people I EVER met when I started teaching Sunday School there in 1986! (It's remarkable that she and I still look exactly the same as we did then!)
Sometimes I forget how very much I enjoyed and how very much I
miss so many aspects of my "old life." It's nice to be able to go home for a visit...and feel so welcomed and so loved.
I truly felt that today...
It was a Good Friday
This is a really sweet blog...I'm glad you had a good friday! I agree though, sometimes it's hard to go back but everytime I'm there it's SO great!
Do you have any idea how excited people were to see you? EVERYONE that saw me asked if you were coming and where they could see you...
This WAS the highlight of my day! When Brad Snow said "do you know Julie Hibbard is HERE?" I about jumped for JOY! Cathy and I placed ourselves at THAT door that Brad saw you go in so we would see you come out! AND...I got to meet Mrs. Pete, SO GREAT! Jan walked passed me and said "Julie is HERE!" WE ALL couldn't get enough of you and Mrs. Pete! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your wonderful visit today! Happy Good Friday, Easter and EVERYDAY my friend! LOVE YOU!
Life is good!
Get the bed ready again... I will be there shortly and, I like Nana's quilt.
Pat! pat! pat!
PS: Plenty of wine in the fridge I am assuming???
tell your overnight guest that Love bears ALL things, Believes ALL things, and ENDURES ALL things LOVE NEVER FAILS - Corinthians 13:4
Now that, is better than gossip or therapy.
Why does anonymous think that family and friends can only gossip. Does he/she think its all about them? Funny how some can quote scripture but not live by it. Or go to church and claim to be a Christian yet treat people the way they do. Boggles the mind.
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