Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cell phone editing

This is a subject which causes frequent internal monologues:
While searching through my cell contact list to make a call, I OFTEN have to scroll past the names/numbers of three or four or five people who I have not talked to in months or even years. Yet I will not delete them.
I have to scroll past the painter I used once (and drank all the beer in my fridge), the friend I ran into after not seeing her for years and felt it kind to program her number directly into my phone to assure her that I would contact her soon (I never did.) I have to pass by (and be reminded of) men I had one or two dates with and the one man who just didn't ever understand why I did not return his calls, and worse of all, the name of the one who held my heart for a few months last year. (You could be happy...I hope you are.)
There are 111 contacts in my phone...lots and lots of these people-- probably the VAST majority of these people-- will be fine if I never call them again. Yet I have kept most of these for one reason: I want to know it's them if/when THEY call ME!
The monologue usually finishes with: you might NEED that floor guy again and she DOES have that place up in Big Bear, and...he might want to know how you are doing...
So tell me please--save or delete?


Heather McTaggart said...

After having lunch with my best friend (since we were 12...or one of us was..) today...we were feeling nostalgic and talking about old friends. So, my concensus is...keep the numbers..it's so fun to look at and remember! I love memory lane, the good ones anyway!

Allison said...


Necklace/no baseball guy--delete.

Anyone you would like to hit IGNORE on when you see their name on the screen--keep.

Jen Panunzio said...

Hmmm...tough question...personally I would keep them. You just never know and I would go crazy if I wanted to contact one of these people one day and knew I had deleted their number. You can always put the people you call the most on speed dial so you don't have to scroll thru those names that often. :)

PETE Di LALLO said...

Good topic Jools...

all the comments are good
Alli Hibb has the right idea to keep the numbers and know who's calling...

Brent said...

Thanks for the song lyric.

Brent said...

Here's what I do:
If I haven't talked them in a while, I delete them from my phone but save them in my computer address book. Then if you need the number, you've still got it somewhere. I periodically delete people from my computer as well.

Allison makes a good point though. Keep the ones you want to identify as people to avoid calls from. Maybe change their name to "Z - Don't answer."