The call came at the absolute perfect time--I was deep in thought, wondering where I'd gone wrong, why I was hurting and what my next step would be. (I call it '$2 therapy'--sitting in the dark, soaking in the tub and sipping on a beer.) Within minutes, my friend's happy heart and healing humor challenged my perspective, cheered me up and completely changed my attitude!
There are just a few people in the world who I feel 100% comfortable with. Those who can truly relate to me, know me--GET ME--and with whom I don't watch what I say! To these few and far between folks I share what I feel, what I think, and all I really am. And the best part is that they do the same with me! It's those people who honestly 'know everything about you and like you anyway...'
This perfectly-timed call came from one of these people. A little listening, a lotta laughing and I was able to let it all go...
It's one of life's greatest treasures to have friends who let you rant and rave...and then make sure you know that you are being ridiculous.
Thanks for the JOYFUL therapy, dear friend.
It was absolutely priceless.
Thank heaven for people who listen when they feel like they need to call someone. I can't tell you how many times I've thought, "I should call ____________" and then don't. You've inspired me to listen to those promptings more. Yeah for great, great friends.
I love people like that, I love moments like that! Want to catch dinner and have another "therapy" night? Call me, I am here and I will listen...PROMISE!
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