There was LOTS of talk of living alone, taking care of ourselves and wondering if God really does have some sort of plan in all of this. What's He waiting for?
Beer and chocolate certainly help the contemplations...

Beer and chocolate certainly help the celebration...

(probably at 115 like Edna)
It is hard. It throws you curve balls--daily. And just when you start humming along enjoying the ride--someone comes and slaps you back into reality.
Tonight, we talked about all the things that seem to make life unfair, unenjoyable, unexplainable. But we also talked about things that bring INCREDIBLE joy to our lives! Things that make us smile, laugh, close our eyes and remember how great it is to be alive!
Seriously...it was a great conversation.
And an amazing evening.
These are two fabulous women!
I mean three.
And the beer and chocolate ain't bad either.
seriously I am sitting here reading this laughing SO dang hard. I love you Julie, and I am so thankful for your true honest friendship. Tonight was just a stream of laughter!
Wish I would have been there especially for the wedding cake.
HA! Awesome!!! SO much fun! And yes, I totally read in between the lines on this one.
Birthdays, Beers and chocolate!
How nice that you still remember how to have fun at your age!!!!!
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
give me an answer in the morning?
Sorry, I got carried away...just listened to one of Meatloaf's greatest hits...
Did Court get new hair? It looks good.
I'm glad you had so much fun!
I love the smiles! I love nights like this with people you can trust, share and be open about! Great JOB girls, holding each other up in this crazy thing called "LIFE!"
PS...Ange we saw you tonight at Ralphs but you were on the phone, looked rushed so we didn't say "hi" sometimes I don't take those opportunities! YOU LOOKED GREAT and Happy to whomever you were talking to!
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