Thursday, May 29, 2008

Doing shots! was the day...
A shot for Yellow Fever
A shot for Polio
A shot for Hepatitis A and
a Typhoid shot...just to round things out...
Two shots in each arm!
I will have to say tho...I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with all of the WONDERFUL people from Saddleback Memorial Hospital who came to staff the clinic!
Special treat! This is Suzie...her daughter, Hillary, and Allison were in the show choirs at El Toro High School together! Suzie and I were chaperons on their road trips, worked the shows and were on the School Board together too.
I was so happy to see her. I said, "Suzie! It's been so long-we should celebrate.
How about we do a shot?!"

Oh yeah...I received my prescription for Malaria pills today too!
Kenya believe it?!


PETE Di LALLO said...

The top photo has you with that nice smile but in pain...was it really painful or were you just acting?

Allison said...

You are so funny to have had someone take your picture for this! So glad you are all drugged up and ready to go!