I am just getting home from three HIGHLY ENJOYABLE days in San Francisco. I was greeted by my niece, Thea and my nephew, Sidney...They, along with my sister, Leesa and her husband Jonathan gave me the royal treatment in their beautiful home...


Leesa and her children...

Our sister Debra moved to San Francisco a couple of weeks ago and the three of us met for dinner at The Cliff House...

This is the view from the restaurant!! (Isn't my camera amazing??)

Especially for Steve and my dad...here is my fabulous Scallop Salad...
I LOVE to take pictures of my incredible meals.
Good food is truly one of the greatest JOYS in my life!

One of the best desserts ever--Banana cheesecake with chocolate crust...
with a carmelized banana on the side....DElicious!

With our luscious meal...

As we walked outside, we saw this flock of pelicans flying by...
again, do I have a great camera or am I just an amazing photographer?

The ONLY bummer of the night...finding out that Barry hit #756 while we were at dinner...
and, knowing we had tickets to THE NEXT NIGHT'S GAME!

Yep, we were one night too late....but guess what? We were there as Barry broke his OWN record and hit #757 into Mc Covey cove!

It was Sidney's first Giant's game and he LOVED it!

Me and my brother-in-law (and wine expert!) Jonathan!

It is SUCH a beautiful park!
There is a slide on the giant coke bottle and Thea and I went down it right after the game!

Just a reminder that we were there for Barry's 7-5-7 home run!
Such a fun few days in San Francisco...one of my very favorite cities...
I'll post a few more pictures later in the week...
Gotta go unpack my wine now!
Great pictures. Looks like you had a fantastic time. And What a Salad!!!!!
Just one bite...I want that Scallop Salad...please! One bite...share! Just kidding but we need to do a meal and I don't think breakfast food pics are as great as dinner! Also...love, love, love San Francisco! Having grown up in Eureka, that was our "big city!" HAVE A GREAT TRIP!
I thought of you when I heard he hit #757. I was at the HP working the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill concert and missed anything about the game at all.
AT & T Park is awesome!
I LOVE San Fran. That salad looked amazing! Your whole trip looked like a blast. You always do so many things and are always surrounded by tons of people who love you. You are truly blessed.
This cake... looks delicious
Sorry I said anything about the salad...It's early but I could eat a few of those right now...
your photography is professional as can be...the pictures of our family make me anxious to see them in a week or two...
I go along with Heather in that we should not have breakfast foods when we get together...we gotta do dinner...('H.' hope you're not a vegetarian are you?)
next time we go to the City we'll have to try the Cliff House instead of Scoma's...nah! we'll do both...
nice blog and pics Jools!
Sid's face in the background of the first picture is so cute. It looks like you had a great time! What is up with the salad comments? All you blogs are food related!!!!
Vegie-tarian...WHAT!!! NOT ME! I mean I am not against the vegie-a-tarians in this world but for me...it's meat, fish and chicken ALL THE WAY! I LOVE GREAT RESTAURANTS! I did hear about this one called AGORA that has great meat dishes, can't wait to try it!
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