Saturday, August 4, 2007

Spring Forward Already

I have six calendars hanging in different places in my home. And I have at least 10 clocks (counting the one on the coffee maker, microwave, Cox cable box, ipod player, etc.)
Today I noticed that I had not yet changed the calendars to August. In fact, one was still on May (well, it has a picture of Prague on May), and one was still on June.
At the same time, I realized that every ding dang clock in the house showed a different time. Not WAY off, but enough to bug me...especially the FOUR I can see while standing in my kitchen. I spent quite a bit of time synchronizing every clock in my home.
Now, all the calendars are on August. And all the clocks are set at exactly the same time--6:00 pm.
I will sleep much better tonight.

1 comment:

PETE Di LALLO said...

Are we A-retentive or what?
I have a 'thing' about coordinating times in my car, computer, watch and BlackBerry...
It's an awful pain...