So far today I have:
1. Signed up for tennis lessons...Yep. I played tennis for years and years, up til about 20 years ago I guess...so it's time to start up again. I love playing and I was pretty good!
I have my Chris Evert tennis racket in the garage...I have a feeling I need to get a new one before the classes start. Any recommendations?

2. Went to the dentist. Every six months on the dot I have my cleaning. And I love it! It feels so good to have clean and polished teeth. I love my dentist--although she went to
USC. She tells me that I have beautiful teeth and perfect gums!

3. Went to get my money for Europe. I got 225 Euro for Vienna, 4,500 Czech
Koruna for Prague and 36,000 Hungarian
Forint! (Sounds like a lot more than it is!) The money is really pretty!

4. Treated myself to a manicure and pedicure. Figure I will be wearing sandals on my trip so painted toenails would be nice. I had such a fun time with the girls there! The girl doing my toes, Cathy (her real name is Dung) told me all about her lazy husband. The girl doing my hands, Annie (real name Long) told us about her husband's snoring and bad cooking! Seriously, we had fun together. I sat in that massage chair and just smiled the whole time. Cathy said, "You're a very simple person, aren't you?" I thought that was quite an interesting comment.
I also just met and chatted for a long time with my the guy who just moved in next door. He is a single 46 year old guy who gets up early, lived in Paris for years, loves traveling and loves sports. He has the same house as mine so he came to see what I had done to mine. When he walked in he said, "C'est tres manifique!" Yeah...he speaks French.
Happy to have David as my new neighbor.
Gotta start packing.
What a great day! Day off...yeah for you! I am so excited for your trip but realizing that you may have to visit me in the "Blogger Rehab" when you come back makes me sad! I wonder if they have good food there? Do you think I will see any stars? Missing Julie blogs already and you are still here! Do you think I can get Pete to blog daily so I will still "feel the love?" Well Pete?
Sounds like an awesome day. I am so excited for you and your trip. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. I know I don't have to tell you to take a ton a pictures because I know you will.
Very interesting about the neighbor. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Would be fun to play tennis with you again...if you let me beat you once in a while...doubles are more fun..does the French Guy play tennis? maybe him and his girlfriend?
Talking about THE FRENCH GUY???
No OOH LA LA'S for him who I already don't trust...
NAH! lose the Frog!!!He probably cheats at tennis anyway...
Heather, listen here little lady...why not change your name to McTagger? don't hold your breath for daily blogs from this guy...I'm having an awful time finding worthwhile topics to write and I don't want to blog (like Alli Hib?)on how fun it was cleaning out my closet this week and throwing away two dozen shirts that my wife 'shrunk' on me...But I'll do my best for you and all my fans...
"feel the love?" you are such the 'wordsmith'...
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