I spent a most enjoyable afternoon and evening with some of my favorite people. It was NOT my parents' 50
th anniversary (though they celebrated 45 years in June!) but the anniversary of some of our closest friends, Bob and Stella
Cardoza. Bob was my dad's business partner for over 30 years...we all kinda grew up together! It had been a long time since I'd seen most of these folks...it was great to sit down and catch up a bit!

Perry is Bob and Stella's son...Perry (above with wife, Cathy) and his brother, Brian and me and my sisters swam and played bumper pool and
skied together for years while we were growing up!

Bob (in the middle) with long time friends, Tom and my dad, Pete.

Steve worked for my dad when I was a teenager...
He used to be so much older than me!
I had not seen Steve in over 25 years...
and, amazingly we are the same age now!

Stella was my MENTOR for the 17 years I went to college, sending me cards and notes of encouragement all those years. Stella had gone to school while raising her kids too...she was CONSTANT inspiration for me and was my biggest cheerleader once I graduated!
Happy Anniversary Bob and Stella!
Wonder if I will have a 50
th anniversary...
hmmm, it's not looking good...but ya never know...
Don't you just hate it when no one responds? I do!
so here ya go...
Was a heck of a party...I felt quite at home with some of them ol' geezers...
All in all... It was a Grand Evening. Great Friends, Good food.. and orators orating... or were they pontiff's pontificating? Either way.. I didn't get the CD.
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