Sunday, March 11, 2007

"When did you know...he was not the one?"

We ALL passionately desire to be passionately the right person!
Seems that two sisters have compiled a book of real life situations with the "WRONG one". I happened upon their website a while back and ordered the newly released book tonight...they have a blog as well, encouraging women to write about their experiences with the wrong guy. The main point is that we ALL see the red flags (blankets/tents/tarps!) in relationships but we often choose to ignore the warning signs and stay with the wrong person, mostly because we fear being alone.
But being alone is far better than being with the wrong one. This book just might help you figure out if he could really be "the one". It also just might confirm for you that he indeed, is not.
Cause you kinda already know that, huh?
Check it out
When did you know...he was not the one?

1 comment:

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

I'm pretty sure I'll know he's not the right one if he shows up sporting a sweet gold chain.