Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Here are some things that I want to do in 2007
1. Start reading again. I truly used to read two or three books a month. Haven't done that these last couple of years...I still BUY them, but have not been reading them.
2. Get caught up financially and 100% out of debt. I bought some of my furniture, my washer and dryer AND my carpet on a "no payments no interest til June 2007", ideally, I would pay off ALL of that before June.
3. Finish organizing my home. I lived in four places over the last two years and all of them seemed "temporary". I am truly HOME now, and need to find a permanent place for everything. I want to put things away-in the right place-once and for all.
4. Exercise. This is on everyone's list. I am really ready for this one.
Those are the easy ones. Here are a couple of other things, a little tougher, that I really want to work on this year...
1. Leave the past behind. I have a terrible habit of looking backward...
I want to look forward, and be genuinely happy & optimistic about this new phase in my life. The past is over. I am not looking back anymore.
2. Soften up. Yep. I need to be softer, more tolerant, less defensive and laugh at myself more. Enough said.
3. I need to learn to relax. I have not slept a full night since the early '80s. I don't watch TV and only watch a movie if I am ironing or working on something else.
I have always felt like I have too much to do and I don't anymore! It's time to enjoy that. Relax, and enjoy that.
4. Smile and laugh and appreciate life more! I want to have better perspective and be more grateful for how truly blessed I am.
5. Know that the best is yet to come. There were times in the last couple of years that I felt everything was over...I love the quote from Louis L'Amour that I have on the top of my blog.
"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."
So, here's to an organized, debt-free, year full of reading and being healthy.
And here's to a LIFETIME of relaxation, hopefulness, optimism, laughter, enjoyment and happiness!
Everything else is finished.
It is time for a new beginning.
Happy New Year!

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