There seem to be so many folks with constant little 'rainclouds' over their heads... "Poor me." They hate their job, their in laws, their house, their life! Or, they 'keep dating jerks' or their kids are dating jerks or they were married to a jerk or a jerk left them in debt--the whole world is full of jerks...
oh dear Lord. ENOUGH!
What I truly can't stand how much they seem to RELISH in talking about it!
I cannot stand drama. I think it's ridiculous! I have had my share of issues and heartaches and problems in my life. Everybody does. EVERYBODY!
But I truly believe it's a choice to add the drama.
Please do the world a favor folks: when you talk about your life, make the decision to be drama-free. Give us the facts, tell us your story...we really do care! But don't blame others for your problems any more. Stop re-hashing, re-visting and re-living your past mistakes. (Believe me, I know there are consequences for bad decisions.) But it's over. Move forward.
Life already went on.
Get some perspective and take steps toward resolve. And smile.
Make the choice to have peace in your life and to be joyful and happy!
And for the love of God...stop whining!
Jerry says GOOD POST!
This is the perfect example that misery likes company. Some people have been unhealthy for so long that is all they know and it’s all that feels comfortable.
People don’t want to take responsibility for their own choices and bad decisions so they go on grumbling.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
How do we know? Been there done that! It was not working for us and we made changes.
Jerry & Eliane (your biggest fans)
I, too, hate drama and have a hard time being with people who seem to create it and relish in it. What even bothers me more is when people don't take responsobility for the choices they made that created the drama!
OH MY GOODNESS! This is SOOOO GOOD! We all have drama, but why put it all on other people... especially friends?!? Just move on! :-)
Thanks for this one... it made me smile.
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