Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Dating Game

I tend to get along well with everyone. And, honestly, I can start and carry on a conversation with just about anyone. I totally enjoy getting to know new people and I always have a good matter the circumstances.
These facts, unfortunately I think, make harder for me to date.

Over the last two years, I have gone out on "a" date with five men. "A" date meaning one. I will tell you that each of these men was kind and considerate and most of them had a love for baseball and/or music. I will also tell you that I never lacked for conversation with these men--we always found plenty of things to talk about. But no matter how many things we had in common--something was simply not there.
It's chemistry. You can love baseball and dancing...The Police and Patron and Paris...but without's just not gonna fly. I'm looking for sparks! Excitement! Butterflies in the stomach! Aren't we all? Bottom line--I have to want to kiss him. If not, no matter how wonderful the guy, no matter how great the conversation...there is no reason for a second date. I have learned now how to say, "I don't think we click" with kindness and honesty. And very quickly. Of course, I have had to learn to receive this line graciously as well. There's been no drama whatsoever.
I am not looking for a new 'friend'. That's not what dating is about. Not for me anyway. I already have lots of incredible friends. I only go on a date if I feel the man might be 'Mr. Right.' Call me a dork with a fairytale dream, but I am looking for the love of my life. For the man who makes my heartbeat. I am looking for 'the one'. I have plenty of friends to have dinner with.
And so, I have had THREE second dates, which is dinner at my house. I always joke that the checker at Ralph's sees the makings for manicotti in my basket and says, "Date two, huh Julie?"
I just think you can tell SO much about someone when they come to your home! Do they look around the house and compliment the decor? Do they ask about the peoples' pictures on the wall? Do they want to look at my European Vacation photos? Do they put the toilet seat down??
Ok so there's only been TWO third dates. Let's look at the bright side of this. I don't have to cook very often and I don't have to buy a lot of clothes. I have told people that I have my 'first date, second date and third date' outfits. Then I just start over. You absolutely know after that third date. Absolutely.
As far as I see it, the hardest part of the entire dating process is learning how to say, "No thank you" when someone you are not interested in asks you out. I have done this a couple of times now and I hope I never get good at it. It's really tough for me. But I think it saves everyone's feelings in the long run.
Well, that's not really the hardest part.
The hardest part is the fact that most of the men I am interested in don't seem to be interested in me. Waiting and hoping for the phone to ring at 44 is just as confusing and painful as I remember it being at 16. I have been told that I am intimidating. Too strong. Too independent. But as the great Popeye always said, "I am what I am."
And that, my friends, is the best part of this whole deal. I know exactly who I am. Not one doubt in my mind! And I know exactly what I am looking for...a happy, friendly, kind man who makes me giddy, makes me feel beautiful, thinks I'm hilarious and wants to kiss me a lot. And, of course, I totally have to want to kiss him back.
I'm in no hurry. And, actually it's getting really fun.
I went on my first FOURTH date last week. I had to buy a new outfit.
And I was giddy the whole time...


TSHarrison said...

Trust me I have no answers, I am bordering on 30 and single. But I do have some questions, and at least one series of questions I can verbalize tonight.
Doesn't the feeling, the spark, the butterflies, however we term it eventually fad?
Therefore is that the barometer I want to judge the one with?
Shouldn't being comfortable, enjoying awkward conversations, unrealistic expectations and assumptions, and curiosity of the other (specifically this last one) be the judging staples.
And maybe that curiosity is the feeling we have.
but as long as they aren't rude, suddenly unattractive or incredibly annoying, shouldn't what spurred us on to a first date at least be able to give a second chance?

Like I said...what do I know. I need serious parents are growing desperate.

Although a first date would be nice too, I'm working on a dating dry spell. Months will soon reach the year status. Know any ladies in SA?

Here's to fifth dates!

Eliane said...

I like what ts wrote too.
I think the most important thing in all of this is to know what works for you and what you are looking for.
You certainly do girlfriend…. I say Keep doing what you are doing…it’s working for you!

Julie Hibbard said...

The point I was trying to make is that I have that 'comfortable, curious enjoyment' with EVERYONE I meet. I can get along with everyone! My track record shows that I can LIVE and stay married to anyone too. There is no trick to just getting along and staying together. I'm not looking for that, and may I say I don't think THAT is what MARRIAGE is supposed to be. If so, I could have married any of the 10 men I've gone out with and been 'just fine'. I'm not gonna do that (again.) I am waiting for romance and that feeling of my heart jumping when I see him! I know that this exists! If it fades a bit over time...fine! But why start out with low expectations? None of these men were rude or annoying. All were very kind and I had FUN with most of them. Again, that's my problem. I get along with anyone. So, 'the one' is gonna have to be a WHOLE lot more than that. I would suggest that for you too, Trevor.
We deserve it.

Sarah said...

I am assuming that after the first FIFTH date it's OK to bust out your camara and take a picture for your blog! :) I agree with feeling sparks...if you don't start with sparks, how's it going to be in fifteen years?