Today I filled out the application to be part of the Kenya Mission Trip. I had no problem answering the basic questions --mostly about when I became a Christian and my overall ministry experience. I had no trouble writing about how I deal with conflict and authority and I wrote a whole paragraph about what I believe to be my strengths.
"What are your areas of difficulty or weakness?"
I watched that blinking cursor for 15 minutes...and thought and thought and thought.
I'm not afraid of anything. Nothing. (Though the picture above freaks me out.) I am strong and independent and can figure out how to do anything that needs to be done. Anything.
I kept thinking.
Area of difficulty? Staying away from Target?
Weakness? Baked goods?
Seriously, I could not think of a thing.
I left it blank.
...perhaps my only area of difficulty is admitting my weaknesses.
there's always the old stand-by:
- "i care too much"
I think I put something about cleaning...
Mine...I'm too much of a perfectionist and go a little nuts when things arne't just so.
And Target.
Staying away from Target is soooo my weakness :)
Target is my weakness but so is Kriklands, Old Navy, Ebay...shopping?
I have more weaknesses than a starved alley cat.
You should put down:
My weakness is trying to find things wrong with myself that I consider a weakness.
then just put down that you're a perfectionist. Good answer for any application.
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