I had the air on in the house while I was working out on the balcony...so I closed the door and the #$%*!! stick fell and locked me out there AGAIN!
I do not expect you to feel sorry for me...I really should have learned the last time!
After 20 minutes of TRYING to get in, my neighbor walked by and I yelled down to him what had happened. He didn't really understand but came up through the garage and let me back in my house...
Teach a man to fish? Fool me once?
Whatever. I promise, it will not happen again.
For real?! Hilarious.
I love the mis-quotes(?) at the end...
OK...SO that IS a funny one! Didn't we go over this event when I was at your house and HOW it won't happen again! I am LAUGHING LOUDLY! You are SO cute, only YOU!
Not again!!!!!
112% Hilarious
Thank you for making my day! I remember seeing my sister walk into a sliding glass door once that was a bit too clean.
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