Sunday, August 28, 2011

There's no place like it...

As I prepare myself to go back to work tomorrow (and attempt to locate everything I need to do so!) I must admit, it's been quite the productive week! The kitchen and both bathrooms are totally cleaned and everything for those rooms has been (absolutely perfectly and meticulously) organized and put away. The painter will finish up on Wednesday and Thursday--baseboards will be done at that time too. Carpet for the Master bedroom comes on Friday too!
Then...I'll be able to put almost everything else away too. (Well, I will need to make one big trip to IKEA first!)
The place looks SO great--I totally love it-- and really look forward to continuing to work on it over the next few months.
I've included a few photos of the works in progress today...lest you think we're finished here!
It's been a really fun week! Lots of friends and family came by to see the I had an extra special treat--a surprise visit from Gina, Sunny and Elijah!

Headed to the bath tub with a beer in my hand...
I will be in (my nice, new soft, comfy) bed before the sun goes down.


Zuzana said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your new home dear Julie.;))

Sonja said...

I agree with Mustafa.