It was a long walk. It's been a long month. Actually it's been a long last three years--on top of a very long 23 years. The songs kept playing and I just kept walking. It was so darn cold, and kinda drizzling, but I was experiencing amazing thoughts and memories with these songs. Something like Silas came on and I sang out loud, "Jesus! My heart can not break enough for your love!" We sang that at Crave so often...along with Taffy and the gang's rendition of Yaweh. I remember a PACKED Tent 3--400 and 500 College Students--eyes closed and hands in the air singing "Yaaaaa----weh!" (I could even see Josh Peters next to Expo!)
Probably my most favorite worship song of all is "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever." There's a great version of it on an album that I played throughout 2004 (another very long year), by Sonic Flood. It was the only CD I took to the mountains with me that August...the last time I went to the cabin alone...hoping to try to figure out where my life was headed. Today, I put that album on in my car and was completely taken back to that week of praying and (seriously) fasting and journaling. I was at a complete point of despair at that time and I knew my life was about to change...above all, I knew there was a really rough road ahead. I listened to that CD over and over that week.
And today, as I SANG those same songs, I felt like God was saying, "See Julie Hibbard? You did it. You survived it. I knew you would!" (Those words just made me think of Jeremiah 29:11)
There is one other especially meaningful song on this playlist--"Come thou fount"--sung by Allison Hibbard. Every single time I hear this song, I am back at a staff meeting where Mike Howerton got up to speak about his recent trip to Kenya. Allison was on that trip with him. Mike told of watching Allison sing "Come thou fount"--a capella--at a men's prison just outside of Kitale. Mike began to cry as he described the hundreds of prison inmates who were SILENCED --captivated by Allison's sweet song of love for her Lord. (I am tearing up writing this) I always imagine Allison in that place when I sing along. It's an incredible song of hope.
I've played the Worship playlist all week in the car...it's been a challenge to keep my eyes open and my hands on the steering wheel.
How Great is our God. Indescribable.
Thanks for the email. Miss you.
I love times like these.
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