I have never--in 30 plus years of working--called in sick. Never. Even through two morning-sickness filled pregnancies.
I have always thought that the cure for the common cold is getting up, taking a shower and going to work. (Ask my kids how many times they stayed home from school sick. I can't think of any.)
Unfortunately, what I am finding out lately is that I DO get sick. I've just never let myself give into it.
Today was the closest I ever came to calling in sick. I had coughed and sneezed all night and felt like hell when I woke up. But, true to my life-long goal of being the Cal Ripkin of the real working world, I got up, hopped in the shower (ok, there was not much actual hopping involved this morning) and went to work.
I gulped down a shot of Dayquil with an Emergen-C back. But I felt like crap. My ARMS were hurting...all of me was hurting. I ran around work and did my best and I gutted it out til about 11:30...then I waved the white flag. And, I admitted it...I'm sick. I came home, put on my jammies, downed another cold medicine cocktail and crawled (literally) back in bed.
Ok...I am sick.
But, please let the record show that I did NOT call in sick. And that I've still got it going with Cal.
Infact, at this point, I think I may have him beat.
But I'm still going back to bed...I have to work in the morning.
There is no reasons to be so hard on yourself and your body. All people get sick and need healing. Please be kind and take good care of my best friend Julie... otherwise I might have to jump in a plane and take care of her myself. I love you!
Hope today finds my friend feeling better! You are a trooper but please take care of yourself for quick healing!
PS..18 years and my husband hasn't called in sick EVER!
Nothing's going to keep you away from work on Saturday...
take it easy...right! like you always do?
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