Although you are very happy today at age 44, you really could have been so much more had you listened to your future self...
Here's what I wish I could say to you:
- Even though it's hard for you, tell people you love them.
- Don't be so afraid of getting in trouble!
- You really can do anything you want!
- Please don't wear those overalls.
- Be honest all the time.
- Don't hang out with anyone who doesn't make you feel better about yourself.
- Take pictures of yourself in that bikini at 16. It is the best your body will ever look.
- Don't get that perm!
- You are SO smart!!!
- Don't marry him.
- Buy Microsoft, Yahoo and Google.
- Don't worry about what people think about you. Cause guess what? They're not thinking about you.
- Trust your instincts.
- People don't change.
- For the love of God--Don't get the tattoo!
- Accept the lead role in the Senior Class Play.
- Hold out for the one who wants to dance with you and kiss you a lot.
- You are so beautiful.
- Keep a nickel between your knees at all times.
- Go to Hawaii with your senior class.
- Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
- When you get your acceptance letter to UCLA--do everything you can to GO!
- Wait 6 months to buy the condo.
- You will live through 2005 and come out stronger than you thought possible.
- You will live happily ever after.
Also, your daughter will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Buy her a dining room table for her 25th birthday.
Allison...ebay sister! Julie, YOU are amazing, you are beautiful ALWAYS (even in sweats, with a fever, on a rainy day, without a shower for 3 days), those things that you did do and didn't do built the AMAZING JULIE we all know and are blessed to walk on our path! SO, I would not change a thing about the Julie I know now so I know the "younger" version had to be JUST AS AMAZING! OH and see you soon when I drop off my daughter's college fund in a restaurant at your work because of SOME dumb bet!
I honestly think that this is one of the funniest blogs I have read to date
So great! words to live by...
you forgot one: write a newspaper column when you have more talent than Irma Bombeck!
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