If I did not know how old I was, I would think that I was about 28...ok, maybe 33. I am, for the most part, pretty happy with the way I look and feel today at age 43! Honestly, I feel better than I ever have. My eyesight and my blood pressure both improved in the last year or so and I weigh less today than I have since 1985. I exercise more as well as relax more. I read more and watch TV now! (And I LIKE IT!) And, yeah, I have more confidence than ever!
I have no problem telling my age. And always find it funny when someone says, "You don't look 43." I always say, "What does 43 look like?"
I think that's the point of the ProAge ads. (Cause really, what's the alternative to growing older? Yeah, no thanks.) They're telling me that I am not defined, by any means, by the fact that I was born in 1963. It's meaningless on OH so many levels.
"Take care of yourself" is the message (and Dove hopes, of course to sell a few products with this message) and then, "ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!"
The truth is, the amount of birthdays you have had or the number of years you have lived really don't mean a thing. What counts is CELEBRATING LIFE with every birthday and really truly LIVING every single day of every year!
Pro Age? You better believe it!
I tell people all the time "I hope I look like Julie Hibbard when I'm her age." Only I have dark hair, dark eyes, and I'm taller - other than that - exactly the same! :)
What, you're OVER 40?!
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