Yesterday, I was treated to afternoon tea at the "Posh Peasant" in San Clemente. My sister in law, Christine and my beautiful niece, Laura (affectionately called, "Beebs") took me for--YES--my birthday!!! We had to re-schedule a couple of times and I believe it was the first time that I EVER celebrated my birthday ONE month after the date! We had scones and I had a fruity ice tea and it was delicious
...the place is also a shop full of antiques and old dishes...yep, I walked out with six bags...
(Please note that the hats were in the store and we only wore them for the picture--mine's the best tho, don't you agree?)
Have you ever posted pics of your new home? The way you talk about it, I can't help but want to see it!!! If you have, please direct me to the post!!
Mom and I stayed a day in Julian a few years ago and had a 'swell' time in a tiny afternoon tea place!
after one hour it felt like I'd been there for two weeks...
thosed 'hatted' ladies asked me so many questions about what kind of tea, bread, preserves and stuff I felt like I was on CSI...
the tiny tea room we sat in was crammed with flowers,hanging baskets. po-purree (sp) and tea cups of all shapes and sizes...
Mom had a great time and she knew I didn't have as much fun as she did...give me Starbucks any day...and,I like my sandwiches with crust ...
After seeing your lovely hats they should rename the place The Posh Pheasant don't you think?
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