It makes me happy.
I'll admit it--I feel my best when I am at work--I am doing what I was made to do--no doubt! I love working as a team and accomplishing our goals together to satisfy our guests.
It makes me happy.
Someone always tells me I look nice or stops to give me a hug or ask when the Dodgers are going to sign Manny. These people know me. I feel loved, valued and appreciated there. I feel productive.
It makes me SO happy.
There are a lot of things going on in the world today that can take away our joy, if we let it.It makes me happy.
Someone always tells me I look nice or stops to give me a hug or ask when the Dodgers are going to sign Manny. These people know me. I feel loved, valued and appreciated there. I feel productive.
It makes me SO happy.
Don't let it. Please don't let it.
Happy is such a better, easier, less painful way to go through life...it makes it so much more enjoyable too! Sometimes you'll have to choose it. Sometimes you just have to make the decision to BE happy.
I pretty much do this every day. Always have.
When all else fails...(or on a mandatory day off!) here's a few ways that I help myself stay happy...Try some! I promise...Life is so good!
1. Put on some music and SING and DANCE!
2. Put on a funny movie or TV show and LAUGH!
3. Sit in your jammies, read a book and relax!
4. Smile all the time! It feels so good!
5. Help others be their best! Compliment people! Encourage them! (This feels SO good!)
6. Go out with friends. Stay IN with friends! Laugh and sing and dance with friends. Great friendships have kept me alive all these years!
7. Be grateful! Look around at what you have and know how good you've got it. Yep, I have a 10 year old car and a house that's worth $150,000 less than what I paid--and I love them both. My home is beautiful, safe, warm and perfect for me. My car is reliable, Dodger blue and PAID FOR!
8. Stay busy! Watch an old movie. Call a friend. Go for a walk. It feels so good! Clean out a cabinet, your dresser--make a trip to the Goodwill! Organize your old photo albums, go through your files--throw things away! A clean house is a happy house.
9. Forgive someone. Forgive everyone. Cut the cord on any old relationships that still hold you back. Throw away his letters and delete those emails. Leave the hurt on the other side and cross the bridge to the future! It's beautiful and so freeing!
10. Keep going--and keep living--one day at a time. Challenge yourself to be happy in spite of the economic and financial situation of the nation. When I realize that there is still so much good and that I've got just enough money to make my mortgage again...
well, it makes me happy.
You are loved...
And you make me happy.
A WONDERFUL post Julie; you must be one of the happiest people that exist. This speaks volumes to an optimist, such as me.;))
That is awesome!! I needed to read something like this from a person I actually personally know. I came back from an International photographer's convention and your words just confirm my purpose of going forward with my plans. Nancy Ramos
You are loved too and I am so glad you are my friend.
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