My LONG-TIME, wonderful, (tho Yankee-loving) friend Cathy and I met this afternoon to visit our friend, Jan, in the hospital. Jan is doing great, but soon after our arrival she began to tell us how much she was craving an In N Out Burger.
She went on about the cheese and the onions and the fries! Of course, having had surgery yesterday, she is not allowed to partake. But, for some reason, just talking about cheeseburgers with fries was making my mouth water! I looked at Cathy and, without saying a word, I could tell she was thinking what I was thinking.

I must tell you that it's been YEARS since I've been to In N Out. My son worked there when he was in high school and I am pretty sure I haven't been there since then. Not because I don't want to...I just can't do it! The calories, the fat, the's just not worth it!
Needless to say, the SECOND we walked out of the hospital, there was NO doubt in my mind where we were headed...and there just happens to be an In N Out across the street from the hospital. I swear I could smell the fries from the parking lot! Yum!
We ordered our burgers--mine with extra onions please--and some of those delicious fries! OH--for the LOVE OF GOD--was that burger delicious! I savored and audibly enjoyed every single bite! Amazing. Incredible. And-YES-absolutely worth every calorie!
It will be years before I have another, I promise you that.
But, I swear it was one of the best meals I've had in years.
No doubt at all.
I'm one of those who has not had the "pleasure" of ever eating at an In-N-Out.
However any restaurant that reminds me of the whole in and out process of food...well...let's just say that it doesn't help my appetite.
I so get this; I have not had a burger forever either. I think it is time to treat myself to one.;))
I hope your friend gets better soon so she can have one as well.;))
I have never been to an In-N-Out, but the pictures make my mouth water.;))
It never fails that I read one of your 'eating' blogs before lunch and my mouth starts watering...especially for one of those super tasty burgers...
there's an In & Out near my office but today I brought leftover (from dinner last night) Chinese Eggplant and Tofu... hinting of hot peppers and unbelievably savory tofu in a scrumptious sauce...
Today I'm eating my lunch at noon mountain time!
Since I started to help out my friend at her salon. I have been having an In N Out every other weeks. Or so it seems. lol Nancy
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