2) Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for this year? Yes...and my new ones include staying healthy and being positive!
3) Did anyone close to you die? Yep, my Nana
4) What countries did you visit? Kenya and Amsterdam
5) What would you like to experience in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? Seeing 125 on the scale. A Dodgers pre-season game (and how about a Dodgers World Series Game!) True love would be nice too.
6) What date(s) from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory & why? May 3, May 25, August 16, September 9 & 15, October 4, October 6 & 26 and November 5. ALL great days. Now that I think back...it was a very good year.
7) What were your biggest achievements of the year? Keeping my home. Becoming debt free. Going to Kenya. Staying positive (for the most part!)
8) Did you suffer illness or injury? Nope. I have still NEVER called in sick to work. That's 30 plus years of perfect attendance. (Take THAT Cal Ripkin!)
9) What were the best things you bought? My MacBook Pro and my BlackBerry
10) Whose behavior merited celebration? Zachary for graduating from Loyola Marymount. Allison for moving to Kenya!
11) Where did most of your money go? My mortgage. And Target. And Dodger Stadium.
12) What did you get really, really, really excited about? My kids' achievments and the Dodgers going to the NLCS. And, some really great times with friends.
13) What song will always remind you of 2008? "Take me out to the Ballgame." Anything Counting Crows, "Human" by the Killers. "You found me" by the Fray. "Send me the miles" by Sarah Bareilles. And all that is Lady Gaga.
14) Compared to last year, are you: Wiser? Yes Healthier? Slightly... Richer? In many ways...
15) What do you wish you'd done more of? Kissing
16) What do you wish you'd done less of? Crying
17) How did you spend Christmas? Had my son, two sisters, two nephews and my parents over for Christmas Eve dinner. We all talked to Allison as she celebrated Christmas morning in Kenya. We were not allowed to purchase gifts so everything was hand made or re-gifted from our homes which gave each gift a special story. I worked Christmas day at the resort...grateful for my job.
18) Did you fall in love in 2008?
No. But, man, did I like him a lot!
19) What was your favorite TV program? Will & Grace reruns. Freaking hilarious.
20) What was the best book you read? "He's just not that into you." Yeah, read it about 10 times.
21) What was your greatest musical discovery? The Killers, The Fray, Counting Crows, Sarah Bareilles
22) What did you want and get? Lots of GREAT adventures and new experiences with friends.Time in Kenya with my daughter and many other amazing people. The ability to say, "Both my kids are college graduates!"
23) What did you want and not get? A World Series Championship.
24) What were your favorite films of the year? The Visitor, Benjamin Button, U2 3D
25) What did you do on your birthday? Went to breakfast with a friend, lunch with other friends and dinner with even more friends and my family!
26) Which celebrity/public figure did you like the most? Greg Maddux (did I mention that I met him?)
27) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Same as every year...jeans and a t shirt (when I am not in a suit.)
28) What kept you sane? Sane? Me? Hmm...baseball and blogging. And good friends.
29) Who did you miss? My kids
30) What life lesson did you learn in 2008.
...it goes on.
31) What did you gain this year? A little self esteem and a whole lot of perspective.
32) What did you lose this year? My last grandparent.
33) Who was the best new person you met? Dave
34) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: "We'd never know what's wrong without the pain... Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same"
35) Greatest hopes for 2009: Finacial recovery, good health, much love, lots of smiles and good times...for all of us.
Yeah...a HAPPY new year would be fabulous.
4) What countries did you visit? Kenya and Amsterdam
5) What would you like to experience in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? Seeing 125 on the scale. A Dodgers pre-season game (and how about a Dodgers World Series Game!) True love would be nice too.

6) What date(s) from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory & why? May 3, May 25, August 16, September 9 & 15, October 4, October 6 & 26 and November 5. ALL great days. Now that I think back...it was a very good year.
7) What were your biggest achievements of the year? Keeping my home. Becoming debt free. Going to Kenya. Staying positive (for the most part!)
8) Did you suffer illness or injury? Nope. I have still NEVER called in sick to work. That's 30 plus years of perfect attendance. (Take THAT Cal Ripkin!)
9) What were the best things you bought? My MacBook Pro and my BlackBerry
10) Whose behavior merited celebration? Zachary for graduating from Loyola Marymount. Allison for moving to Kenya!
11) Where did most of your money go? My mortgage. And Target. And Dodger Stadium.

13) What song will always remind you of 2008? "Take me out to the Ballgame." Anything Counting Crows, "Human" by the Killers. "You found me" by the Fray. "Send me the miles" by Sarah Bareilles. And all that is Lady Gaga.
14) Compared to last year, are you: Wiser? Yes Healthier? Slightly... Richer? In many ways...
15) What do you wish you'd done more of? Kissing
16) What do you wish you'd done less of? Crying
17) How did you spend Christmas? Had my son, two sisters, two nephews and my parents over for Christmas Eve dinner. We all talked to Allison as she celebrated Christmas morning in Kenya. We were not allowed to purchase gifts so everything was hand made or re-gifted from our homes which gave each gift a special story. I worked Christmas day at the resort...grateful for my job.
18) Did you fall in love in 2008?

19) What was your favorite TV program? Will & Grace reruns. Freaking hilarious.
20) What was the best book you read? "He's just not that into you." Yeah, read it about 10 times.
21) What was your greatest musical discovery? The Killers, The Fray, Counting Crows, Sarah Bareilles
22) What did you want and get? Lots of GREAT adventures and new experiences with friends.Time in Kenya with my daughter and many other amazing people. The ability to say, "Both my kids are college graduates!"
23) What did you want and not get? A World Series Championship.
24) What were your favorite films of the year? The Visitor, Benjamin Button, U2 3D
25) What did you do on your birthday? Went to breakfast with a friend, lunch with other friends and dinner with even more friends and my family!

27) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Same as every year...jeans and a t shirt (when I am not in a suit.)
28) What kept you sane? Sane? Me? Hmm...baseball and blogging. And good friends.

29) Who did you miss? My kids
30) What life lesson did you learn in 2008.
...it goes on.
31) What did you gain this year? A little self esteem and a whole lot of perspective.
32) What did you lose this year? My last grandparent.
33) Who was the best new person you met? Dave
34) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: "We'd never know what's wrong without the pain... Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same"
35) Greatest hopes for 2009: Finacial recovery, good health, much love, lots of smiles and good times...for all of us.
Yeah...a HAPPY new year would be fabulous.
Here's to a good year and may next year be just as full of life!
Great list! My close friend's husband is The Killers' manager!!
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