Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My so crawled life

Each and every time I leave a movie, I walk out thinking, "I could write something BETTER than that." By the time I get to my car I m thinking, "OK--I'm on it. I'm gonna write a movie." The movie would be (very loosely based on) my life--and told (in voice over) in line with what my hopes and dreams were along the way. The movie would SHOW my experiences, but be TOLD hand in hand with what my mind and heart were feeling at the time. Oh yeah, you'd laugh, you'd cry...and I think, overall, it would relay a sense of empathy, hope, and encouragement to the audience. Yes, there would be moments of sadness, but good would triumph and we would be cheering for the heroine--(Meg Ryan? Kate Winslet?)--as she gets up off the floor, scrubs the mascara out of the carpet and jets off to see Europe! OK...then she returns, and works very hard, yet is consumed in so desperately longing to find--not only the love of her life--but the reason for her life--the purpose for her very existence!!
Come on, it's good.
Yeah, I'm on it.
Just the events of this last four years--becoming single and living alone (I see scenes involving pancake and beer dinners) the trips abroad, the fabulous new job, great new home...throw in a little bit of dating and a whole lot of baseball--and then TELL it all with what my hopes and dreams were at the time!! (finding love and Dodgers winning the World Series) and you have yourself one great flick!
OK. I believe I could write this movie. And these 1255 blog posts would easily script the first couple of hours! There is only one very small problem at this point...
How in the world does it end?
Does she find the love of her life and travel the country stopping at each baseball stadium? What a great last couple of minutes THAT would make in a movie, huh? The scene shows the happy couple walking into all the stadiums, kissing, donning the hat of each team, kissing, eating hot dogs, kissing and singing "take me out to the ballgame"...probably could even get a few baseball players to make cameos. (Please note that the man and woman will kiss a lot in this film!)
Or does she decide that destiny can wait and do we see her at the In N Out drive thru as she finally realizes that the Double Double with cheese she has been forsaking for her figures' sake is just too damn wonderful after all? Again, the last couple minutes of the movie could show her ordering at the drive through, balancing the meal in her lap, taking a huge bite of burger and savoring the flavor!! Oh and sipping on a milkshake while shoveling in a handful of fries! AND...she would be smiling all the way home because no one is telling her how fattening it all is!
Hmmm....I hear loud music playing! Oh my gosh...just think of the KILLER soundtrack the movie would have! Oh yeah!
I can write a movie, right?
I know. It probably wouldn't be that good...and it would take a long time. And I'm kinda tired right now.
One thing for sure though...she will live happier ever after.
Trust me on that one.


Shannon said...

** do it! write a movie!! that would be a fun accomplishment, EVEN if it was bad. ;)

*** did you get my email? can i have your mailing address?

* we're TOTALLY doing your engagement photos at a stadium! that would be the best.

Zuzana said...

Julie, I love the way you think. There is so much optimism and romantic feeling to your writing, with just a hint of fatalism and realism.
Can't wait ti see your name in the credits on the big screen.;)

Eliane said...

You are on to something there girl!!! Just do it and stay curious...by the time it's time to write the ending you might be pleasently suprised.
btw, Meg Ryan is my choice.
Don't forget...lots of suitcases in that movie.