My sisters Gina and Sarah each have a blog. If you don't have one and you think it might be too hard to figure out...let me remind you that my Dad has a blog and now has MANY friends that he knows ONLY through the blogging world...(Heather is his best friend. They actually have conversations in the "comment" section of OTHER peoples' blogs.)
Special thanks to my cousins, Robin and Sherri and my Hungarian friend, Julianna (ALL currently blog-less) who read the blog and encourage me to keep blogging through their constant kind notes and emails.
I love posting each day. It's a rare day that I don't have something to say. And I love the emails when I actually miss one day...thanks for worrying about me! (Usually it's a day I contemplate posting about how much I love Apple Jacks or about paying $3.05 for gas...seems silly sometimes!)
The world is smaller now...my friends and I can keep up with each other almost daily through this amazing form of communication. And the technology just keeps going.
Do you have Google Analytics yet? You must sign up for this. It's the way I know that someone in Santa Ana gets on my blog SEVERAL times each day, sometimes for more than a half hour. Priceless info.
How about Google Blog Search? Very cool.
And, my new favorite--Google Reader. No more going line by line through my blog roll to see who has a new post! Google Reader lets me know WHOSE blog I need to read...(Josh Griffin, Allison and John Mayer seem to never disappoint!)
Thanks to ALL of you who are so fun to read. Thanks for "tagging" me, challenging me, making me think, making me cry and making me wonder about things I had never thought of.
Thanks for making me laugh out loud every day.
400 posts.
Perhaps I need to get a life.
Naw...this one is just perfect...
Looks like someone has a Mexican stalker...we'll just call him Jose for now.
Julie, this should get an award for the BLOG OF THE MONTH! Great Blog, and great recognition of the friendship with my friend PETE, your amazing father! So, how can we award this great blog....BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER....my treat my friend! I love my new world too! YOUR AMAZING...speech, speech!
PS... I don't understand how to put the Google Analytics on my site...computer dummy here...SHUT UP BRIAN AND BRENT, I know! Also, don't know how to add people! Alison helped me the first time...HELP ALI!
Julie, Julie, Julie...
A+++ on #400!!!
especially on the content quality of all your blogs!
for fabulous food fotos!
for introducing me to my friend (quasi-pen pal) Heather!
for suggesting a qua-billion times to begin blogging...and Alli too ...THANKS for your encouragement, tutoring and help...
I began blogging in March and am at 35...I wrote a few more than that but after posting thought they were dorky and deleted them...
that when I first get to work each morning I read blogs before checking my phone messages...
I may be a 'closet' blogger...I blog only at the office before or after employees are there...(I don't even go near my home computer at night)... we have a company policy not wanting employees to get on the internet during work hours...I 'come out' sometimes during the day when I write something that comes to mind and can't wait...(you know how that is)...like responding to you, Alli, Heather, Brent, Gina, Matt J. and others I read daily...
This last week your cousin Robin, one of my favorite nieces along with Sherri, visited us and complemented me on my 'wine geek tasting' blog...she always reads our blogs...HEY ROBIN, GET YOUR OWN BLOG GOING! SHERRI TOO...
I'm not into Google Analytics and Reader yet but enjoy Blog Search...
I came in to work for a few hours today to schedule this week's work and here I am blogging...can't help it...I'll get to work right after I respond to Heather's TAG!
Hooray for blogging! Glad you love it...you're great at it.
NO you would NEVER write anything dorky but I know how you feel! There is a gal at work who only reads "guy" blogs because us "woman" are TOO boring! WHATEVER! Little does she know I have a "blogger pen pal" from my short term blogging, she is missing out! BUMMER FOR HER!
PS. I too check blogs at work...ask Allison! I checked them in between services today! HA HA!
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