Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The OC

Jaime and I just got back...can you tell that I freakin' love the fair?
The chickens (and pigs and cows) did not disappoint!
Jaime and I were tempted by so many food choices,
but we were pretty good! (Those are Jaime's fries...)
Didn't have one...but had to take a picture of the sign for old time sake.

This year's largest pumpkin...not so large.
Nice grapefruits (why, thank you!)

Lots of Elmos and Doras

Oh, yes...we did partake! With powdered sugar, strawberries and whipped cream!
So delicious...

Really? No...not after that Funnel Cake...
but just could not resist a photo op with the sign!
Thank you Jaime!
And a special thanks to those ATTENDING the OC Fair.
You always make me feel like a beauty queen...


Josh Peters said...

ridiculous! hahahahaha

Heather McTaggart said...

SO FUN! We are going tomorrow afternoon and night! If you are up to ANOTHER night at the fair, give a holla! We can't wait...there will be a group of us going! Rides...no for me, but I can't wait to see all the other "fair" stuff!

Jaime said...

Oh my gosh, if she and I got married we'd be Jaime and Jaime, so crazy!
We're going to the fair next week and I just can't wait.

PETE Di LALLO said...

Reading your blog and seeing your pictures is almost as much fun as being there...you are the BLOGGING QUEEN...
Remember going to Magic Mountain years ago when all of the sisters felt like beauty queens?
I didn't feel like a queen (too much) but I was definitely the skinniest guy there...wonder what happened? (Maybe because I always ate leftovers on your plates?
Yeah...that's it!!