Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I gave blood today!

Montage held its semi-annual blood drive today and
I could not wait to get in there and donate!
It's great, it's easy and it saves lives!
Yep, that's my blood in the bag...
My blood type? BE POSITIVE of course...


Jaime said...

Yeah! Super proud of you, that photo almost made me pass out.

Unknown said...

I gave today too. Gosh we are such good people. ;-)

Allison said...

You are such a giver!

PETE Di LALLO said...

What a coincidence! I'm a B+ also, but I am a 'be positive' from now on...you are just freaken super creative...

I'm donating a pint next Monday...because of our semi-rare blood types the Red Cross e-mails me every 90 days or so for more...
been doing it for years...
you know after you've completed your donation they tell you to sit at a table and eat cookies, drink juice and not leave for 15 minutes...last year while sitting at that table accross from an older woman, my age,and after not have spoken to her except a nod, I said: "Hi, do you come here often?" She looked at me like I was going to attack her...
She TOTALLY TRIPPED out and ran out of there...she wasn't even half way good looking...

Gina Vistaunet said...

I guess we really are related and dad is really our father. I'm B+ too.

PETE Di LALLO said...

You owe us a Cancun blog babe!!!