But FREAKING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS in July bug me more than anything I can think of! Last week I went to Jiffy Lube to get my oil changed. I noticed on the back wall of the building a string of Christmas lights...barely clinging to the wall--unevenly--from three ailing straight pins. Come on car guys--NOBODY can take ONE minute to pull these down?
A few days ago, stopped at a light I saw a Christmas Wreath on the car behind me. REALLY? REALLY? You haven't had your car washed since Christmas? You can't find a knife? You think it's cute?
And today, in the parking lot of Lucille's--the car next to me had a Wal Mart Santa antenna ball. The poor ball looked as though it was gasping its last breath, nearly begging me to put it out of its misery...dirty and faded, it cried out for a kinder time....like a day last December maybe? Seriously...retire the ball...please notice that it is Summer.
NOBODY loves Christmas more than I do. Nobody. But only from the day after Thanksgiving through Jan 3 or 4. Maybe 5th.
Maybe it's just me...I don't want to see holiday decor in the Summer...I can't stand to even hear a Christmas song in July...it's just plain wrong.
But, honestly, that's about the only thing that bugs me.
this is my kind of post
This will be my first debate with my friend Julie...last week and the week before during my misery and teeth "issues" my saving grace was that Lifetime TV decided to do a "Christmas in July" movie week! OH HAPPINESS WAS MINE! I saw Christmas movies in and out of the vicodin catnaps! IT MADE ME HAPPY!
I was really hoping (based solely on the title) that this post would be about wanting to celebrate Christmas in July...honestly, I was up for it.
We must be related because I get bugged by the same things including way-to-early Christmas music in stores, restaurants and sometimes when you're on hold on the phone...
I don't even start Christmas shopping until a few weeks before...
but I'm kind of worried about Heather...watching Christmas movies in July?
Ok Mr. Pete and Miss Jules...Christmas is one of those feel good kinda times, so when the chaos of summer is in full swing(which there has been a lot of..we haven't been to bed before 1am all this week), watching a good hearted sappy feel good kinda movie about Christmas is just what MY doctor ordered! NO IT'S NOT THE VICODIN TALKING!
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