Saturday, August 28, 2010

Anticipating Europe

Anticipation of a trip has always been good medicine for me. I love the planning and more planning and the dreaming and the thinking...the excitement starts months ahead of the trip. There are so many things I love about traveling Europe.

I love steamed milked served automatically with very strong coffee. I love the flowers and the history. I love the bakeries that are next door to bakeries. I love the art and the architecture. And the CHEESE! I love eating carbs and feeling OK because I know I'll walk them off. And drinking one more glass because I know I don't have to drive.
I love being so far from home that there is no chance of running into anyone I know.

It's constant marveling and wondering...
and wandering...and marveling!
It's croissants and wine and pizza and Nutella and crepes and pasta...and more wine.
It's sights and songs and sunsets...
It's sheer JOY and HAPPINESS and LAUGHTER and LOVE.

And when served up in Europe
it ALL tastes even better
it all feels better...

it makes ME better.
I love feeling so small in such a big world.

I feel like I am being called back to Europe.
I need to be revived!
I need to be resuscitated!
I haven't felt like this in a very long time.

I do believe it's just what the doctor ordered.
It brings tears to my eyes.
the good kind this time.
It's time for some good tears.

It's time to go back to Europe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Europhiles!! The culture, the people, the food, the smells . . . feed my soul, too.