Though we never even saw a mosquito while in Africa, I was convinced that I must have Malaria. Yes, I took my pills religiously, (just took the last one), but I figured maybe it hit me anyway--OR that maybe I had a parasite or some really rare strain of an African virus! Hey--I don't get sick and I have more energy than anyone I know and this thing was kicking my a*s!
This morning I woke up at 2:47 am and I could not go back to sleep. I got online and emailed everyone I knew. Then I sorted pictures, emptied the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen, read the entire paper and then went back to bed! I slept til almost noon! And this afternoon, I fell asleep while watching the Dodger game...and I literally just woke up.
If you know me AT ALL, you know I am not a rester, not a lazy person, and not one to EVER give in to a sickness. My assumption: I must have a fatal disease.
So I typed my symptoms into Web.MD--fatigue, anxiety, dehydration, nausea, disorientation, inability to sleep, exhaustion, memory lapse...
Jet lag
Yep. And, according to the trustworthy source, "Symptoms are compounded based on duration of travel and can last up to one day per each time zone crossed." Kenya is 10 time zones away.
So there ya go.
Though I was kinda thinking at least I'd lose a lot of weight if I had Malaria or an African parasite, I am waving the white flag and giving in to the reality of it being a really severe case of post-travel blues...good old fashion jet lag.
OK...I'm heading to bed again.
Wish me luck.
This morning I woke up at 2:47 am and I could not go back to sleep. I got online and emailed everyone I knew. Then I sorted pictures, emptied the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen, read the entire paper and then went back to bed! I slept til almost noon! And this afternoon, I fell asleep while watching the Dodger game...and I literally just woke up.
If you know me AT ALL, you know I am not a rester, not a lazy person, and not one to EVER give in to a sickness. My assumption: I must have a fatal disease.
So I typed my symptoms into Web.MD--fatigue, anxiety, dehydration, nausea, disorientation, inability to sleep, exhaustion, memory lapse...
Jet lag
Yep. And, according to the trustworthy source, "Symptoms are compounded based on duration of travel and can last up to one day per each time zone crossed." Kenya is 10 time zones away.
So there ya go.
Though I was kinda thinking at least I'd lose a lot of weight if I had Malaria or an African parasite, I am waving the white flag and giving in to the reality of it being a really severe case of post-travel blues...good old fashion jet lag.
OK...I'm heading to bed again.
Wish me luck.
Prayed for you. Felt for you. And then....kept looking through my emails cause I know, dammit, if you emailed everyone you knew...there would be one for me. :-)
Rest, my friend. Strength comes in the morning.
Hope you feel better today.
AND,to make things worse, the Dodgers lost!
I am laughing...you totally had me thinking that you have some sort of African disease. I hope the lag goes away soon!
I feel with you!! And I know how horrible Jet lag really is!! I hope you can get lots of rest!!
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