Last night ranks up there with one of the best nights I've ever experienced. Seriously. First off, and in all honesty, on a beautiful summer night in Southern California...there is no where I'd rather be than Dodger Stadium.
No where.

The addition of Manny to the line up has added even more excitement to the pennant race! And JOY to my heart! We heard there were "Manny wigs" available...but, apparently, they sold out quickly.
Who wouldn't want one?!

And...sitting in a box, seven rows from the field, with my dad...
does it get any better, really??

Oh...it was "80s team members" night too!
The guests on the field included Billy Ashely, Mike Davis and...

You'll have to read about the game.
Though the Dodgers didn't win, it was brilliant!
Full of all the excitement that is great baseball!

Gina and Greg added to the fun as we spotted
celebrities (including a rock star or two!) in the crowd around us. The night concluded with the most spectacular fireworks presentation ever.
Great company, amazing seats, cold beer, peanuts and crackerjack...
I truly didn't care if I ever got back.
Life is (oh so) good
I thought for sure because you had to work early this morning, even though it was a long day and I know you got home after midnight, you still posted before going to bed...
you are an amazing woman ...
not only for the superb seats a few rows from the grass, or the peanuts and cracker jacks, choc. covered raisins, candy bars and red vines you brought along but for enjoying your enthusiasm and total joy of being at the ball game...
So what if we couldn't buy Manny wigs and the Dodgers lost...
I'd bet a few bucks you're having a happy day at Montage this morning...
Didn't Manny cut his hair? It'd be great if the Dodger and the Angels played in the World Series! It could happen this year.
When I was little I loved going to Dodger Stadium becuase they had french fries in cups. Do you remeber that? It was when consession were more like a cafeteria.
I had a great time with you last night. I wish I would have bought you that Bob Marley shirt.
Who were the celebs?
Please tell me......
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