I thank YOU in advance for the therapy...here's my (latest) list:
- People who don't make plans. They say, "We should get together" or "let's try to have dinner this week". I always say, "OK, what day?" or "I eat everyday--how about Wednesday." If you want to see me--name a time and place. I will be there. "Let's get together sometime" is what you say to someone you went to high school with when you run into them at the mall.
- People who are in a hurry at the grocery store or the post office. I seriously cannot stand this. You are not the only person on earth and we all have places to go. Plan your life better.
- Websites that haven't been updated for months. DANG! This kills me. Please just pull your site if you don't have time to keep it up!
- People who say that they are getting old as an excuse for not being able to see or because they could not remember something or ANYTHING else!
- People who say, "Can I ask you a question?" I say, "You mean another one?"
- Holes in the toes of my nylons.
- People who spell 'lose' LOOSE! (This might bug me more than anything else on earth.)
- When I am blow drying my hair or vacuuming and I think I hear the phone ringing.
- People who don't leave enough room for me to make a right turn when they are stopped at the light and going straight. So inconsiderate!
- People who put their toddlers on the phone for me to talk to! Seriously, I don't want to talk to him. Also, I don't want to sit through his rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle" on your voice mail. Sorry.
OK...I feel better.
Tell me...Is it just me?
Crap...maybe I'm just getting old...
Tell me...Is it just me?
Crap...maybe I'm just getting old...
Number 10 is the ultimate. Bugging me more than you know.
We all have things that bug us. your list is pretty good....and I am so glad I don't wear nylons.
people who hardly look in their rear view mirrors drive me nuts too...
#2 is the worse. I hate when people say, can I go ahead of you, I'm in a hurry. I always say, then you shouldn't have come to the market. I agree with 2,3,4,5,9 and 10. We are about the same. I haven't worn nylons in about 10 years. I didn't think they made them anymore. Do you wear suntan?
Complete agreement with #10.
I suppose I'm going to have to look up "lose" and "loose" now...I hope I've been using the right, but heck if I know...
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