The last couple of days I've been trying to consolidate a few hundred of these thoughts, as well as a few of the notebooks...and came up with this:
A (random) collection of blogging ideas, (somewhat) thoughtfully arranged into a list of things I (try hard to) do to help keep my life on (the right) track.
I thought I might pass them on to you...- Be the most encouraging person you know
- Listen with your eyes
- Take the statement, "I don't have enough time" out of your vocabulary.
- Use the good dishes and light the candles. Drink the champagne you've been saving.
- Be forgiving and say you're sorry
- Return everything you borrow and consider things you loan out a gift
- Make a list of things you want to do...then start doing them
- Donate blood (my blood type is B positive!)
- Take lots of pictures and get in your own
- Dance more. Sing more. Really listen to music ('Music is what feelings sound like...')
- No more blaming others for where you are. Take responsibility for your life and let others take responsibility for theirs.
- Take "I'm tired" and "I don't feel good" out of your vocabulary (and PLEASE never tell someone else they look tired!)
- Remember people's birthdays
- Say please to everyone
- Exercise and drink water like it's going out of style
- Have a job that you love
- Get out of debt. It's not about making more money--it's about spending less.
- Lose the weight and be done with it. And stop talking about it (yes, I'm still working on this one!)
- Use people's names when you talk with them. Read name tags
- Don't top a friend's story with one of your own
- Be kind and give lots of compliments
- Be positive and enthusiastic
- Laugh out loud. Smile at people.
- Simplify your whole world by giving away (letting go of, selling, getting rid of) as much as you possibly can. Less is so much more.
- Be a hard worker and praise the work of others. (Then watch them smile!)
- Put the past behind you once and for all. Let go and move on
- Make it a goal to never complain. Ever again.
- Be truly happy for other people...and let them know!
- Your home is a reflection of your life--keep it clean, organized and in good repair
- Open the door for someone. Insist that someone go ahead of you in line. Tell the checker she looks nice today
- Say thank you. Be grateful
- Wear sunscreen. Take good care of yourself!
- Have a good attitude. Seek out the bright side
- Get up as early as necessary so that you never have to be in a hurry
- Enjoy every moment of now and stay curious about the future!
How perfect it is that you have B Positive blood! 138
I love your "list" blogs. Even if I adapt one into my daily life I WILL become a better person. Your positive personality and outlook radiate from you and therefore leak onto me. I am grateful. XOXO
There's not a single one of those you don't already do.
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