Four times a year Montage hosts a Red Cross Blood Drive for its associates and their families. I ALWAYS sign up and actually look forward to it each time...I get to save three lives! Today, I invited my Dad to join in the fun...he worked all day and then drove all the way out to Laguna to participate. Thanks Pops!

Yep, that's my blood in the bag! Guess what type of blood I have...
B positive!

My sweet dad is B positive too...

Jesse and Patrick from shipping were waiting to donate when I was getting ready to leave...I asked my friend Chris to take a picture of me with these great people!
Patrick asked, "Is this gonna be on the blog?" But of course!
TEN REASONS YOU SHOULD DONATE BLOODPS I was actually the FASTEST woman donor today...
it took under 8 minutes for me to give one pint of blood!
I almost passed out just looking at the picture.
My dad give blood as often as he can. I think it's great! I've tried several times, but with REALLY small veins and VERY low blood pressure, it's pretty hard. It takes forever and I've actually had a couple of nurses give up. When I was in the hospital with kidney stones, it took them 1 1/2 hours (and hour nurses) to get enough blood to test. I admire people who give blood...Good for you!
I have B positive too!!! I guess I'm not adopted.
Ah Julie and Julies dad, I admire you! I hate when I have to have my blood drawn and I can not even imagine giving blood. Although I surely would like to be able to. My Irishman is a donor too.;)
I am in awe!
I enjoyed this post. You are choosing to respond to others positively and selflessly, which is rare in today's world. Visiting here from our mutual friend Protege!I'll have a look around.
Have a nice day!
I gave bood several times but I also have disappearing veins they finally told me not to come back How Rude! Thanks to people like your the bank is always full and ready and yes Gina...I told you you were the real thing!...Mom
I am correcting my spelling that's BLOOD.
I am "O" so Positive!....And not to brag, but I can crank out a pint in a little under 5 minutes!!! Oh Ya.....
Seeing myself in an horizontal position is spooky... I prefer to be vertical...
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