This morning I found an even BIGGER puddle of water in my garage...flooding out to the street from under the water heater. Damn.
I called a plumber who came immediately. In fact, Ken the plumber got here at 10 o'clock this morning and as of right now (8:34pm) HE IS STILL HERE!
He has pulled off layers of soaked drywall, bringing out bottles and cans and construction supplies that have been in there since the home was built in 1980. He sawed and cut and drilled and drained. He has had to go into two different neighbors' homes to hacksaw into their walls to get to MY water lines.
There is still no solution to the flood. A broken pipe in the foundation? A slab leak?
Something like that...
All that to say, my water has been shut off all day and I really have not been able to do anything at all.
Except visit with Ken, who is such a nice guy! He speaks baseball, loves music, is a great listener and quite the conversationalist! He's also a husband, a father and an avid fisherman.
Unfortunately, at this point, I'm not really sure that he is a plumber.
UPDATE 9:30 PM: Ken wraps up what he can. I have water in ONE bathroom. He will return tomorrow to finish. I hope.
Ah, poor you! Running water is so important! Once when I came home to my rented flat in the US, as soon as I stepped though the door, my feet splashed into a totally soaked wall to wall carpet. The whole living room was soaked! Luckily, I managed to get a hold of the property manager even though it was after 10PM on a Friday and a plumber arrived within an hour to fix the leak from my water container.
I hope your plumber will find the leak.;)
I'm so sorry!! I hope Ken will figure out the problem today!
Is he charging by the hour??!
How come you get all the nice repair guys?? Didn't you bond with the one who fixed your heater, too??
I've rebuilt a home. I understand! :)
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