Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to the Future

Laura and I, like so many of our associates, spent the Summer months working in other departments within the hotel. Fourth of July through Labor Day, I worked at one of the hotel restaurants while Laura was part of the In Room Dining team.

This week, we returned to our regular positions!
And I've quickly been reminded of how much I love my job! I literally could not custom design a more perfect position for myself. It's work that excites me, fulfills me and GIVES me energy and satisfaction. And people thank me. I consider every work day time very well spent.
Without that time away, I may have just taken all of that for granted.

And OH how I love working with Laura...
We are back--
Here's to the future!
Special thanks to Chris Loidolt for the beach photo!


Zuzana said...

You are so lucky to enjoy your work that much, as well as getting along so well with your co-workers.;))
Have a lovely Saturday Julie.;))

Gina Vistaunet said...

Yeah!!! I'm glad you're happy.

BUM said...

Sooooooo glad your back.