My dear friend, Cathy is sitting miserably in the hospital right now with complications from a "routine" surgery she had last month. In an attempt to cheer her up, Heather and I went to visit her today. It didn't really work. She was just not feeling good at all. I did not have the heart to ask her if I could take picture of her in her hospital gown as she sat there in pain. And there was NO WAY I was going to ask her if I could blog about it...so I didn't. The photo above is from last October, when Cathy and I got together at Chili's to watch the final (and miserable) playoff game between the Angels and the Red Sox. Even that day was better than the last few she has experienced...Please keep Cathy in your prayers...she'll be in the hospital for a few more days.

After our hospital visit with Cathy, Heather and I had a visiting hour of our own over dinner! And, after many months of having a friendship strictly through our blogs and email, may I say what an amazing pleasure it was to sit down and talk face to face with this magnificent woman. Check out Heather's blog
Dad will be jealous he didn't get to see Heather.
OH Gina, we will have to set up a time for ALL of us to get together SOON, VERY SOON!
Julie, you are SO fun! I can't wait to keep hearing how this chapter is going to go in preparation for Chapter Three! GREAT THINGS AHEAD!
Thanks for tonight and I am SURE Cathy will laugh LATER at our wanting to blog about her!
ohh Batesole! I can't imagine her not laughing...what happened? Is there anything we can do for her? Although, I don't offer much in hospitals except being able to make people laugh and if you couldn't accomplish that then I'm screwed.
Will pray for Cathy...she's such a nice person...
Heather, Gina's right, it will be fun to get together soon...
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