My family was able to get together this morning for one more visit with Leesa and the kids! We met at the Coco's where both Leesa and I
waitressed for years and years! My mother was a hostess at this same Coco's AND our youngest sister, Sarah also worked here with us for a while too! My dad treated us to a delicious breakfast and we had a really nice visit...

With my dad and Allison

With Leesa and Sidney

Parmesan cheese-loving Thea ordered spaghetti for breakfast!
Zac even joined the fun!

My dad was 41 and my mom was 42 (and the parents of six year old) when they became grandparents to Allison. Now they have EIGHT grandkids--age 9 months to 25 years old.
The cool thing is...we have ALL grown up together.

Allison has two girl cousins: Thea, show above this morning--with matching boots--who is 5 yeas old. And Sunny who lives in Hawaii and will turn 8 this month.

The whole
DiLallo breakfast club...seems like a large group...but we were actually sans TWO sisters and FOUR grandchildren today! I know that I am probably one of a very few woman who had breakfast with my parents, sisters and both my adult children today!
And I would not trade it for anything in the world.
I am, indeed, one lucky woman...
(and I got to have bacon and eggs with country potatoes and a biscuit with butter and honey to boot!)
It was a very fun morning...
I'm sure Coco's isn't as good as the Original Pancake House...speaking of which, we need to go soon. I'm only on mid's for another couple of weeks before I go to days. What works best for you?
How fun!!!!
It'd be nice to do this every weekend...
t'was fun as always...
You are a very lucky woman indeed! There's nothing more important than spending time with your family. I spent last night at the movies with my dad, Kim and Kendall and we had a great time! Go see "The Great Debaters" with Denzel.....It was an absolultely fabulous movie!!!
What an awesome day for you! Yes, you have SO much to be grateful for!
Now I'm jealous!
Country potatoes and the family!
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