there's no time limit...start whenever you want
you can change or stay the same
there are no rules to this thing
you can make the best or the worst of it
i hope you make the best of it
i hope you see things that amaze you
i hope you feel things you've never felt before
i hope you meet people with a different point of view
I hope you live a life filled with joy
and if you find that you're not
i hope you have the strength to start all over again"
~Benjamin Button
Very inspirational words-
write a book-
I loved Benjamin Button and remember these lines towards the end of the movie. They are good words.
I've been reading your blog for a while and it seems like you are continuously starting over! New cars, new houses, new trips, new life.
Your an inspiration to many of us.
Can't wait to see what's next for you.
You wrote this to me. Love it.
I am what I have always wanted to be!
I have changed! For the better!
I make the best of everyday!
The world amazes me!
I do feel things I have never felt before!
I love people!
I am so filled with joy everyday!
I started living my life in November 2007! That was the time I was set free to be me! And I like me!
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