Of course we also drank wine {and beer} and ate chips {and guacamole} and savored banana cream pie {and chocolate pie and molasses chips...}
I have, at my heaviest, weighed 201 pounds.
Granted, I was nine months pregnant with Zac, but I have, indeed, topped 200 pounds.
I was a chunky little kid. I was, according to my own notes from 8th grade, weighing in at 150 pounds at age 13. Not pretty and, actually, quite miserable. In every way.
I took that weight deep into 11th grade, when I discovered boys, Dexatrim and TAB...in that order. And I stopped eating.
Yes, I lost weight. I was anorexic before there was such a term. I remember at one point,getting on the scale and seeing 98 pounds. And I remember boys suddenly being interested.
I didn't eat for years.

But I love food. LOVE food! And once I started eating again, I swelled back up. I spent most of my life--the following 25 years--hovering at about 160 pounds (I am 5 foot 2) I topped out at 175 in 2003, the year I turned 40. I literally could not stand it, but could not get a handle on my weight. I had enough that I had to endure in my life, I certainly was not going to punish myself further by taking away my one true joy of eating. Truth is, I was miserable in OH so many ways, that being fat--yes, fat!--was just a symptom of that sadness.
In 2004, I started working with the college ministry at work and realized immediately how amazingly out of shape I was. I loved the job and LOVED being active with those kids, but I looked like crap, especially comparatively, and honestly felt the same way. It didn't take long for me to snap out of my funk and realize that I had to STOP the constant eating. Salads replaced burgers, Slim Fast replaced Pop Tarts, Balance bars and bananas replaced that late afternoon snack. I started chewing GUM so that I wouldn't eat between meals and I started downing the water. I realized how much better I felt as I lost weight, as I could fit in jeans again, as I could walk and run--and how much better life was over all because of it. I do believe I became 'healthy' for the very first time in my life.
It felt so damn good.
I got down to about 130 pounds and was able to maintain that for five years. But when I found myself creeping back up in weight in January 2009, I took a drastic measure and cut out carbs, probably for the rest of my life. I am happily back to between 128-132 lbs each day and YES, I weigh every single day. When it begins to creep back up, I cut back even more.
In between meals, when I'm hungry (and I am ALWAYS hungry), I drink water.
I drink lots of water...

But I love eating and I simply LOVE food. That will never go away.
And, honestly, I miss it. It's something that gives me sincere pleasure! I love flavors and textures and SMELLS of food. I love cooking and trying new items. I take JOY in food. I think about food and take picture of food...I've been known to MOAN when I am enjoying a meal. I thoroughly enjoy eating. And, let's admit too, that every celebration in life is arranged around food.
It's a constant disciplining of myself. Constant. And I love the word 'discipline.' It's controlling my thoughts and actions, and I'm (finally) getting very good at it. Every day I am faced with temptations--Hello! I work at an amazing hotel with FREE burritos and French Toast and pastries and ice cream and cookies and Lemon Tarts available all day long!! And, like most of you, I work at an office where people bring in donuts and birthday cakes and Girl Scout Cookies--daily.
I do not partake. I just don't. Sometimes I'll go over to the donut box and take a DEEP breath of them. Dear Jesus they smell good!!! (One of my co-workers always follows with, "she's full now.") Once in a great while, I will take one bite, chew it up, SAVOR the amazing, fabulous flavor, and then spit it out. But usually, I just look. And admire.
I have made a deal with myself: I only eat pastries when I'm in a foreign country. So much better there anyway. And, except for Sugar Free Jello (God's gift to dieters), I have all but completely cut out desserts. Yes, I will--and often do--indulge in a bite or two (or three) with friends at dinner party, but, honestly, it doesn't even taste that good to me anymore. And it's just not worth it.
NOTHING--tastes better than buying (and comfortably wearing) size six jeans.
NOTHING--tastes better than seeing 128 pounds on the scale.
NOTHING--ABSOLUTELY NOTHING--tastes better than being healthier and thinner today than I was in 8th grade.
But I admit, it's a struggle and I am tempted every single day.
I always tell people, "In my next life, I will eat a giant cinnamon roll with butter every single day."
But I'll bet I won't.
I love that size FOUR dress. And I plan to wear it to my 30 year high school reunion.
Nothing tastes better than that.
Weight is a struggle. I know. Seven weeks ago I entered a 12 week weight loss challenge at work. Top three finishers win money. I started reading about nutrition, what to eat and more importantly, what to avoid. I learned how to read, I mean really look at the nutrition labels and ingredient lists on the food products. I cut out all junk food, anything with sugar, sodas, juices, high calorie and high fat foods, white bread and processed foods, and replaced them all with low fat, low calorie, wheat bread, wheat pastas, salads, fruits and veggies, and lots and lots of water. I joined a local gym and visit almost every day doing lots of cardio work. I can tell you that I have never felt better, I have more energy and sleep better. Not to mention my clothes fit better. After 7 weeks I am "weigh" down.
Keep up the good work my friend. I know how difficult it is to give up the foods you like. If this junk food junkie with a sweet tooth and habit for ice cream can do it, so can you.
You're a brave woman to publish your weight for all to read! And you're awesome for sticking to your diet. AND you look fantastic!
Julie, I think most women can totally identify with this post. I was a chubby kid too and I have never been skinny, but I lost lot of weight in my twenties and was very slim.
Today I am slim, but I do fluctuate in my weight as well as I love food too.;) I usually lose weight if I do not feel good, as then I stop eating.
Diets do not work, one has to change ones lifestyle to maintain a healthy wight, but it takes determination.;) But as you say, the rewards taste better than food.;))
After baby #2 I lost 50 lbs. in 5 months and had the quote "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" taped to my bathroom mirror. 3 kids later and I need to put that quote back up!After I'm done nursing Ginny (I am NOT one of the lucky ones who loses weight while nursing) I WILL get my body back-no more excuses since there will be NO MORE babies on the horizon to blame it on! Love your posts Julie,so happy and positive, always makes me happy to read what you have to say :)
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