As she opened her gifts, the mother-to-be and I seemed to be having the only conversation. She asked me question after question after question. Not that I ever lack for words, but seriously, how long has it been since I felt a contraction or breast fed or stayed up all night with a crying baby?
I must admit, amazingly enough, the answers seemed to flow very easily from my mouth; somehow all of those things are still very fresh in my mind. I shared my natural childbirth experiences (hey, she asked!) as well as the frustration I felt when I couldn't figure out why my baby would not stop crying. And I recounted my brief attempt to save the world by using cloth diapers. (Or should I say, diaper.)
Of course, in between the questions I shared with her the REAL memories of those days...like hearing my babies' sweet little laughter. And the splashing delight of giving them a bath in the kitchen sink! And of their first word, first step, first tooth. And of holding them in my arms and rocking them to sleep. (At one point I was a little misty-eyed.) Sure, it's been a long, long time since I've had a baby...but those things are always fresh in my mind.
As the only representative of motherhood present, I wanted to be sure she understood what she was in for: yeah sure, hours of labor and 2am feedings and piles of dirty diapers and the crying and the teething...
But I made sure she knew what was really ahead: more smiles and laughter and excitement and adventure and happiness than she could ever possible fathom!!
...and, 28 years later, it will still be among her favorite things to talk about.
I must admit, amazingly enough, the answers seemed to flow very easily from my mouth; somehow all of those things are still very fresh in my mind. I shared my natural childbirth experiences (hey, she asked!) as well as the frustration I felt when I couldn't figure out why my baby would not stop crying. And I recounted my brief attempt to save the world by using cloth diapers. (Or should I say, diaper.)
Of course, in between the questions I shared with her the REAL memories of those days...like hearing my babies' sweet little laughter. And the splashing delight of giving them a bath in the kitchen sink! And of their first word, first step, first tooth. And of holding them in my arms and rocking them to sleep. (At one point I was a little misty-eyed.) Sure, it's been a long, long time since I've had a baby...but those things are always fresh in my mind.
As the only representative of motherhood present, I wanted to be sure she understood what she was in for: yeah sure, hours of labor and 2am feedings and piles of dirty diapers and the crying and the teething...
But I made sure she knew what was really ahead: more smiles and laughter and excitement and adventure and happiness than she could ever possible fathom!!
...and, 28 years later, it will still be among her favorite things to talk about.

Amen to parenthood. There are some memories that never leave you no matter how old your kids get. Your kids are without doubt the luckiest people on earth to have had you as their mother. I miss my kids being kids, but I am comforted knowing that they are great adults. Thank you for all the great triggers of memory. 138
What a delightful post- I kind of feel sorry for the non-mothers there who will never know the service and love that goes into raising a child or the rewards and love gained from those experiences
Thanks for sharing and reminding me of my little ones who are now grown
Johnina :^A
Wow...sounds like a fun baby shower. It is funny how the memories of so many years ago come back in a flash. I'm glad you were there to answer her tender questions. With my kids being from 27 to 9, I can tell you that I would not change a thing or a moment with each and everyone of them. I have to admit that I am a little more tired with the 9 year old than I was when I had my 27 year old, but the joy and laughter that Joe,9, brings me is PRICELESS! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
Ah ha! You DO occasionally remember young motherhood fondly!
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