- Expectations are planned disappointments.
- If my house was burning down, I'd just grab my laptop. And maybe my purse. Yep, that's about it.
- Vin Scully can make even a crappy game sound attractive.
- I could eat a whole box of See's DARK chocolate molasses chips.
- I schedule nights now to be alone and do absolutely nothing.
- I am very rarely overwhelmed. Everything can be solved/fixed/figured out.
- I LOVE an afternoon nap.
- I love Orange County. It's not "too fast" for me. It's just perfect.
- I got a big kick out of paying $3.75/gallon for gas in Orange the other day.
- I really wish that I didn't have to watch my weight. I miss pancakes, granola and bagels.
- I am happy 99% of the time. The rest of the time, I'm just sleeping.
- I drink a little more than a half pot of coffee every morning before I leave the house.
- Once a week or so, a guest at the hotel will say that I look like Reese Witherspoon. Or Alice in Wonderland.
- I often fantasize about going back in time and changing things.
- I LOVE being with my high school friends. I love shared memories. And making new ones.
- I miss cooking.
- I have never broken a bone.
- I really miss my other house.
- I was 21 before I was ever on an airplane.
- I am addicted to writing.
- I have never seen one episode of Star Trek.
- I can't believe how much I love the iPad.
- I have so enjoyed the giant bathtub at this apartment.
- I love to be in a cabin in the mountains. (Especially in the snow)
- I would rather have a cold Corona than any other drink.
- I always have my camera with me. Always.
- I admire my daughter more than anyone else on earth.
- I really love getting my hair washed when I get it done each month.
- I sleep with two pillows. One between my knees.
- I can see my whole life with a soundtrack.
- I could wear jeans with a tee shirt and flip flops everyday and everywhere.
- I love the smell of something baking in my house.
- I think email is the best thing ever invented. And Google.
- I wish the tattoo would just go away already...
- I really enjoy watching people as they are being picked up or dropped off at the airport.
- I love to dance.
- I really love kissing.
- I LIKE getting up early and rarely see 10PM.
- I now truly enjoy my days off.
- I am living the life I always dreamed of.
I agree (or also like) many of these same things...I really am like you...
41. I love to recycle.
I was going to tell you how great this list is when I saw Allison's comment. It warmed my heart. You are blessed.
These random thoughts absorb me everyday. So many are like my own. I think you are one of the most self-honest people I know. Which explains why you are so happy, you are not trying to be someone who you are not. You have my full admiration. 138
Definitely Alice in Wonderland. I would follow you down any rabbit hole. 138
You are so great! I love reading your thoughts. And I always think about #2. I would even take my laptop over my phone if I really only had time to get one thing. :)
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