Which means, of course, I will be 50 next year...
I say this out loud--and often--as I actually cannot believe it.
I feel so good! So energetic! So in love with life!
How can this be?! 50?!
I honestly don't feel a day over 30...although, my daughter, who will be 30 this year, will no doubt roll her eyes at that! OK, OK...(as my knees crack as I reach for my reading glasses)...
I don't feel day over 4o.
And, as I gear up to begin my 50th year on earth, I realize that I am in very good company. In addition to all my very best friends, here are several other beautiful and amazing people who were born in 1963.
Happy 49th Birthday to all of us!
There is so much to celebrate!

Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative.
Can I just say that I had THE BIGGEST crush on Helen Hunt when she was on Mad About You?! And I LOVED me some Phoebe. LOVED. Here's to this being your best year yet!
Well, dear Julie, let me just say that you look so much better than any of the celebrity females whose pictures you share here.;) Way to go.;) Your optimism is so contagious.;)
I hope you have been well, looking forward to catch up with you and everyone else and to start blogging on regular bases again.;)
I don't know about Seal or the Pulp Fiction director (forgot his name) - they could use some work. But I'll take Helen Hunt's look. And I'll take all of Brad Pitt.
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