Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's really so simple

I have spent most of 2011 simplifying my world, and oh what JOY it has brought me. And before you say it, YES, I live alone...and YES, it's a bit easier for me at this point. But I assure you, I lived in a very similar style when I was married with young kids. It was the reason I was able to work, go to school, have a family, and still have my Christmas shopping done long before December.
Being organized and planning ahead work for everyone.
You can do it too.
Simpler just means less stress and more success. Less hurry and more happiness. Less disorder and a whole LOT more delight.

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed 2011.

Ten Ways to live a simpler life...
  1. Purge your stuff. It is amazing how LOVELY it feels to not have ANY clutter in your home. Figure out what you need, what you love and what you really want--in your closets, cabinets, garage--in your LIFE--and, seriously consider getting rid of the rest. You'll begin to breathe so much easier.
  2. Stop buying more stuff. Honestly--just stop already! I play a game with myself called, 'let's see how long you can go without buying ANYTHING!' If I have a good stash of coffee and Atkins bars, I can avoid the grocery store for WEEKS! I find if I don't go to Target, I amazingly don't need anything there! Look around your house...don't you really have just about EVERYTHING you could ever need for the rest of your life?
  3. Clean as you go, put things away, keep a clean house. When you take off your clothes, hang them up. When you make dinner, clean the pots and pans as you use them. Wipe down the sink. Throw away junk mail immediately. Before you go to bed at night, walk through the house and make sure it's in order. Life is SO much simpler when you can find what you are looking for because it's right where it's supposed to be. The key is getting organized. 'A place for everything and everything in its place' is still a very wise adage. 'Messy bed, messy head' is also one of my favorites...
  4. Learn to live frugally. I also challenge myself to get my bills down as LOW as possible. My goal for my electric bill is always to be under $20. I turn lights off constantly. I recently reduced my $168/month Cox bill down to $43/month by turning off the cable--my $12/month Netflix gets me just about everything I could ever need to watch. Not spending money is the easiest way to simplify your life. Use what you have, and get out (and stay out) of debt. Easy.
  5. Stop being in a hurry. Plan ahead! Don't over schedule yourself. If you can't get everything done, consider the fact that you might be over-committed. Honestly, we all have the same amount of time and a little planning goes a long way! Leave sooner! Get up earlier! What? You need me to give you a wake up call? Will do. And, Christmas is 45 days away--please don't tell me it snuck up on you again. Start preparing now! There is RARELY a need to stress and be in a hurry. VERY rarely.
  6. Spend time in silence. Even if, at first, it's just your drive time in the car. Think! Write! Read! Relax! Refresh! It's beautiful! You will oh so gradually learn to love the feeling of CALM that comes with silence. Dare I say turn off the TV once in a while? I promise you this, less clutter in your brain almost instantly makes life simpler.
  7. Wherever you are, be there. Enjoy the moment. FEEL the season you're in. Life is just simpler when you're not waiting for something else to happen or wishing to be somewhere else. This is your life...again, so much simpler to NOT be worried about the future or fretting about the past. Breathe and enjoy now.
  8. Eat right, exercise, take care of yourself. Being healthy and feeling good makes EVERYTHING simpler! Less trips to the doctors, pharmacy, therapy, surgery--more energy to stay active and enjoy life! Let's be honest, being unhealthy and not feeling good just complicates things.
  9. Learn to say no. Life is SO much simpler when you realize you don't HAVE to attend to anything you don't want to! You don't HAVE to spend time with anyone you don't want to be with! Seriously, unless it is a subpoena, you really don't have to go!
  10. Spend time with the people you love! Evaluate your priorities and commitments see what might be able to be eliminated! There is NOTHING more enjoyable than having time to be with the people you WANT to be with--the people who love and encourage you and support you and build you up!
Honestly, at this point in my life, time with these people is the only thing I need.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~Leonardo DaVinci

How many things are there which I do not want. ~Socrates

The greatest step towards a life of simplicity is to learn to let go. ~Steve Maraboli


md said...

I am working on breathing. With your inspiration I know that I will accomplish relaxation. 138

Anonymous said...

I love this post! I am on the same mission myself; I think of it as the Bachelor Life.

My house is still quite large, and turns gloomy when the sun goes down, so I bought these electronic timers that turn lights on and off. From 6 pm to about 10, the house is lit, then shuts off automagically. My electric bill dropped precipitously.

Cleaning as I go has been comical. It didn't take long to realize: I can pick that up now, or I can pick it up later--there's only me to do it. With that realization, my house became a lot neater.

Have a great day, Julie!