Since then there have been
*22, 908 visitors
*51, 643 pageviews
From 74 countries
and all 50 states
It's been read in 34 different languages!
14.9% of the readers have visited 200 times or more (!)
5,539 came directly to the blog
5,198 came through Allison's blog!
3,091 came through Google
This is my 658th post
I have encouraged my dad, two sisters and at least eight friends to join the blogging world!
Every single day I have looked forward to posting! I have written and posted pictures from New York City, Seattle, Phoenix, San Francisco, Vienna, Budapest, and Prague as well as from my kitchen, living room, loft, den and from my bedroom! It's been a GREAT diary and journal...and has been amazingly therapeutic.
I think of things to blog about at in the shower, while watching TV, while walking, shopping, working, and talking with friends...sometimes I can barely wait to get home to blog. I have my camera with me at all times to be sure I can document the exciting events accurately (or at least share my incredible dinner with you!)
Thanks for being along for the fun!
I currently have 63 drafts up and almost ready to go.
Stay tuned...the best is yet to come.
Happy Blogging Birthday! I look forward to reading your blogs EVERYDAY! I would be devasted if they went away...keep up the blogging and get busy on the Blogging Comedy!
whoops...devastated...I got a little TOO excited!
Hey Jools,
How much would you charge me for a few of those 63 drafts?
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