This is what I want to do beginning January 1, 2008
1. Learn something new—I signed up for a “Financial Independence” class at Saddleback College. I am hoping to learn how to at least balance my checkbook.
2. Get organized with photos, slides, cards, albums…including backing everything upon my external hard drive!
3. Get fit—heart, mind and body. I want to get back in my size 4 suits and jeans and weigh under 130 in time for my 45th birthday.
4. Have people over more often! Spend quality time with quality people. My friends and family are my greatest treasures.
5. Be more accepting of PC users. And people who don’t have iPods.
6. Figure out a realistic budget—yesterday I took all my credit cards out of my wallet and locked them up. I am going to pay cash only for things from now on.…if I have to charge it, then I can’t afford it. I need nothing. And have everything.
7. Get a second power cord for my computer. Silly to take it up stairs, then down stairs, then back up 25 times a week….(ok this is the only thing I am going to buy and I will pay cash for it.)
8. No more talking (dwelling on, complaining) about the past. I remember hearing that life is kind of like a car—the rear view mirror is small—and little glances back are ok…but there is a BIG window looking forward—that allows you to take it all in!
9. DANCE!!
10. Drink a lot more water and a lot less Diet Coke.
11. Read more…set up days of no TV/no movies…reading only! I have hundreds of books… dozens that have never been read!
12. Get my damn garbage disposal fixed!
13. Sit down and just enjoy my home more often.
14. Check my tire pressure once in a while (with the gauge my dad gave me!)
15. Wash my car once in a while too.
16. Stop saying yes to everyone and everything! (This will be HUGE!)
17. Be more encouraging to others.
18. Stop over-thinking everything…make good decisions and then let it go.
19. Go to the movies more often! (I got lots of free passes for Christmas)
20. Cut down on checking email…(well, it’s a noble thought)
21. Leave my phone at home once in a while and turn it off sometimes.
22. Eat more sushi!
23. Relax and let myself sleep in once in a while.
24. Meet my neighbors
25. Find a way to go to Kenya with Allison this year.
26. Realize and ENJOY what a great life I have EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Wasn't your dad going to fix your garbage disposal???.....(sorry Pete)!!!
Before I write my list...my first goal...HELP JULIE FIX THAT GARBAGE DISPOSAL! Can David and I come by tomorrow or this Sunday to help?
Hooray for number 24!
Kenya is going to be great!
You should edit #5 and put be more accepting of people who still buy and listen to CD's too. (Ok, you can be a hater if they have the CD holder visor clip on thing). But it's ok to put a CD in the CD player. For the love of God, my car came with a cassette player in it. It's 4 years old. Can you buy a cassette anywhere? You can be a hater to cassette listeners too!
Wow! That's a great list. I too have trouble saying "no" to people and things. Becuase of that, I often put myself on the back burner. Maybe that will be my resolution too!
this is cassidy's dad and I will fix your disposal tomorrow!
Happy New Year!
Better have some food ready for the garbage disposal fixing party!!! Looks like it might be your New Year Party.
Because of you, I now realize what a great life I have! 138
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